Entries by Macha

Carefully consider the comments above. Then, pick one of the following articles to read based on your area of intere

The three-step process of paraphrasing consists of interpreting an author’s original passage, rephrasing it (i.e., putting it into your own words), and citing (i.e., giving credit to) the author. In order to paraphrase correctly, you must consider the difference between the original text and the re-wording while still maintaining the original author’s meaning. In contrast […]

Present the Content: What instructional strategies will you use to present this lesson? (Include two or three instructional strategies

Unit plans are used to organize, sequence, and content. You will create a mini-unit with three lessons, including the lesson you started in Week 1. The arrangement of the lessons as pieces of a unit must include state standards, objectives, instructional practices and resources, assessment, feedback, and reflection. If you need samples, refer to an […]

What will occur if a girl wants to take wrestling as one of her physical education electives?

For this task, imagineyou were recently hired as the principal of Charger Middle School, a public institution receiving federal assistance.  Over the summer, a group of parents requested a meeting with you to discuss the Charger’s compliance with Title IX regarding the physical education curriculum. During the meeting, the parents asked the following questions: What […]

Summarize, in your own words, the law or program you chose. In your summary include details about the law or program as well as how this program specifically supports each of the following:

As a leader in the field of early childhood education, it is important that you are aware of the host of federal programs available that address the needs of young children and their families. This knowledge has important implications for those children and families in your care, and is inherently tied to the NAEYC Standards […]