Present the Content: What instructional strategies will you use to present this lesson? (Include two or three instructional strategies

Unit plans are used to organize, sequence, and content. You will create a mini-unit with three lessons, including the lesson you started in Week 1. The arrangement of the lessons as pieces of a unit must include state standards, objectives, instructional practices and resources, assessment, feedback, and reflection. If you need samples, refer to an example of a unit plan. A lesson plan is also found in Chapter 6 of your book. While there is no set format for your unit plan, it must contain:

  1. Unit Topic/Title
  2. Grade Level
  3. Course/Discipline
  4. Time to Complete Unit
  5. Main Purpose of the Unit Study: Describe the purpose of the unit and how it will fit in the overall scheme of the course.
  6. Instructional Resources or Technology: Describe instructional materials, resources, or technology used in this unit.
  7. Evaluation of Unit: How will the unit be evaluated? How will you decide if the students successfully completed the unit? How will you reflect on your teaching of the unit and lessons?
  8. Include three lessons. The first lesson was due in Week 9. Please edit and revise your first lesson. Add two more lessons following the same format as the lesson in Week 9. Use the rubric and guide from Week 9 and make sure to address all the parts of the rubric for lessons two and three.



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Your lesson plan needs to include the following:

  1. Unit Title                               Western Civilization/ The Great Schism of 1054
  2. Lesson (grade) Level            Grades 6, 7, and 8
  3. Subject Area                         History
  4. Lesson Title                          The Great Schism of 1054
  5. Demographics of classroom. Please describe the population of the classroom, including gifted, students with disabilities, English Language Learners, socioeconomics, learning styles, and other demographics that describe your class.
  6. Lesson Standard: Choose a standard from your state, CCSS, or other national standards like NGSS, that fits your topic and lesson.
  7. Lesson Objectives: Write a minimum of two objectives from your standard that will be addressed in your lesson. How will you share objectives with the students?
  8. Attention Grabber: How will you hook the learners in this lesson? Describe the attention-grabber.
  9. Connecting to prior learning/Advanced Organizer: How will you connect skills and knowledge from prior lessons to this lesson?
  10. Present the Content: What instructional strategies will you use to present this lesson? (Include two or three instructional strategies. Think of different types of strategies addressed in the book.) What type of activities will you use to teach this lesson? How will you differentiate to meet the needs of all learners?
  11. Student behavior: What will students do in this lesson? How will the skill be assessed?
  12. Providing Feedback: How will you assess student learning and provide feedback?
  13. Reflecting & Assessing the Lesson: Determine how you will decide if the student learning was successful.

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