Entries by Macha

How does this character’s life point me to Jesus?” List and explain 3 ways the life of your character can point to the person and work of Jesus Christ.

For this assignment, you will be studying the life of one of the characters from Courageous Faith or a character related to their story. You will seek to discover what can be learned from the character you have selected when you purposefully study his or her life using the technique of observation, interpretation, correlation, and […]

What were the population and sample studied?

Building and demonstrating a solid knowledge base by synthesizing the contents of research articles is a critical skill in the completion of the dissertation literature review. For this assignment, you will expand your knowledge base and engage in the annotation portion of synthesis by reading and annotating articles related to your research topic. General Requirements: […]

What conceptual learning do you apply to this encounter?

The verbatim presentations are critical to the process of CPE. It is a way to look directly at your ability to provide pastoral care and to give you feedback for reflection. Verbatims should be about 5-7 pages in length. The data section will be a couple of paragraphs, the verbatim part will be a concise […]

Define ten terms that will be most useful in everyday classroom practice.

Since Mr. Franklin has been expressing his confusion regarding special education and the students’ needs, you have decided to create a user-friendly guide that has relevant resources, definitions, examples, and family-based privacy information specific to students with disabilities. Instructions As you move through the program, this manual will become a resource of up-to-date information in […]