What price issues are important to health care consumers?

PLEASE ANSWER EACH QUESTION SEPARATELY WITH REFERENCES AS PER APA FORMAT 6TH EDITION.SECTION 11) What health care products or services do consumers seek? How effectively do your organization’s products or services align with these needs? Use APA citations and references, as appropriate.2) What do health care consumers seek in a place? How effectively does your organization’s place align with these needs/desires? Use APA citations and references, as appropriate.3) What types of promotions appeal to health care consumers? How effectively do your organization’s promotions align with these needs/desires? Use APA citations and references, as appropriate.4) What price issues are important to health care consumers? How effectively do your organization’s prices align with these needs/desires? Use APA citations and references, as appropriate.SECTION 25) A health care organization’s philosophy is expressed in its mission and vision statements. A strategic plan’s foundation may be traced back to the mission and vision statements, and is implemented in the marketing plan. The marketing plan, therefore, must be the vehicle by which the organization accomplishes its mission and vision. Resources: Mission and vision statements from your organization; Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats Analysis (SWOT) TemplateWrite a 1,400- to 2,100-word paper, critically evaluating the alignment of your current health care organization’s marketing with its mission and vision statements. The analysis must not be a restatement of the organization’s mission, vision, and marketing strategy. Rather, it should be a critical evaluation of the alignment between the organizations’s marketing principles and its mission and vision. ( MISSION AND VISION OF MY HOSPITAL IS TO SHARE GODS LOVE WITH THE COMMUNTY BY PROVIDIBG PHYSICAL MENTAL AND SPRITUAL HEELING. BE THE HOSPITAL OF CHOICE FOR THE COMMUNITY. BY BEING THE BEST PLACE TO RECEIVE CARE, PRACTICE MEDICINE, AND WORK.)A) Create a table,…


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