What is the state of the supply and demand for health care professionals in your area?

eed help with Week 3 Discussion Board. This is only a discussion board question and has to be atleast 250 words or more and not a actual paper. Willing to pay $5 to get it completed ASAP because it was orginally due on 9/23/14. I need to get it in immediately so I can stil be on schedule with my class. I need the answer to coincide exactly with the question for the post. I have posted city, county and state for 1st part of the dicussion board for reference. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Again it’s only a discussion board thread not a paper. Need help asap…


This is Week 3 Discussion Baord Thread:

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Mounting research suggests that the demand for health care professionals is growing while supply is starting to decrease. However, the rates of supply and demand vary greatly depending on region of the country.


Based on the reading for the week and your independent research:

      • What is the state of the supply and demand for health care professionals in your area?


      • Describe the concerns, interests, and influences of the health care work force in your area. Specifically, consider how working conditions, access to advanced technologies, and/or the health care consumer population might affect a health care professional’s desire to work in the area.


    • In addition, conduct a search for future jobs in your intended field. What did your search reveal? How available are jobs in your area? How attractive are the available jobs to potential applicants?