Do you think that Gender, age, and location of birth has an impact on access to health care?

Do you think that Gender, age, and location of birth has an impact on access to health care? The other question is in the file attached.

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2.. Here is an example and I would like to know what you think.

My next door neighbor works for a construction company and fell of the ladder the other day and hurt his ankle They took him to the hospital and did an X-Ray. Sent him home with pain medication and told him that it was a very bad sprain. So, he had to take a few days off…..loosing pay for two days. The company does not have workman’s comp.

So, he hobbled around for a week on his crutches, when on Friday the hospital call him and told him that the ankle was broken and he had to come back to have it fixed.  When he got back to the hospital the physician told him that they would have to break the ankle to be able to fix it.

Is this an example of high quality care? Thoughts?