Principles of economics for evaluating and assessing the need for the public health initiative

Economic Analysis of Public Health Initiative of Choice

For this part of your Scholar-Practitioner Project, you will complete the economic analysis of the public health initiative you selected in Week 2.

The economic analysis should include:

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  • Principles of economics for evaluating and assessing the need for the public health initiative
  • A brief description of whether the initiative is a micro or macroeconomic program
  • A determination of whether the result of the initiative is a public or private good
  • A description of the initiative’s  financing source
  • An explanation of how the initiative may affect supply and demand of public health servicesFor this part of your Scholar-Practitioner Project, you will complete the economic analysis of the public health initiative you selected in Week 2.

    The economic analysis should include:

    • Principles of economics for evaluating and assessing the need for the public health initiative
    • A brief description of whether the initiative is a micro or macroeconomic program
    • A determination of whether the result of the initiative is a public or private good
    • A description of the initiative’s  financing source
    • An explanation of how the initiative may affect supply and demand of public health services

Assignment length: 5–6 pages