Must I Think About Death Now

the response to death and dying , is a complex phenomenon.

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Facing the death of a loved one or coming to terms with our own mortality is possibly the most difficult task imaginable for human beings, and yet death and dying are physical and metaphysical realities that health care professionals address regularly. Grieving, the response to death and dying , is a complex phenomenon.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross speaks in “On Death and Dying” of five typical stages of grief: denial and isolation, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.
Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour” portrays a surprising reaction to death not mentioned in Kubler-Ross’s model but arguably a separate stage of the grieving process for many people even in relationships far happier than Chopin’s heroine.
The poets Emily Dickinson and John Donne both personify death and speak of “eternity” or “immortality.” These metaphysical responses may align with Kubler-Ross’s fifth stage of grieving (acceptance) or they may offer other ideas about death, dying and grieving.
Mark Twain’s “The Death of Jean” reflects on the loss of a child.
Ken Murray’s “How Doctors Die” contemplates end of life decisions.
Essays and articles in Dr. Colin Macpherson’s collection “Must I Think About Death Now” also contemplate grieving, death and dying. Three student essays and two articles from medical journals explore topics ranging from personal experiences with grief to long-term illness versus sudden death.  
After reading and viewing the materials, write a short essay supporting and developing an important claim (insight or idea) on the subject of death, dying or grieving.
This essay must clearly articulate an important insight or idea (your “claim”) about death, dying or grieving.
This essay must be at least 600 and not more than 800 words in length; the essay must be at least three and not more than seven paragraphs.
This essay must include an introductory paragraph presenting the topic and thesis statement, at least one body paragraph…

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