Is drug use and abuse better addressed as a public health issue or a criminal law issue?

Focus and Organization (10 points): the topic clearly stated and the paper is organized with an

introduction, discussion of the issues and a conclusion.

Thorough discussion of the assigned readings (10): the paper discusses the assigned readings in relation

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to the topic.

Correctness (10): there is correct usage of grammar, syntax, spelling, and correct usage of APA


Focus and Organization (10 points): the topic clearly stated and the paper is organized with an

introduction, discussion of the issues and a conclusion.

Thorough discussion of the assigned readings (10): the paper discusses the assigned readings in relation

to the topic.

Correctness (10): there is correct usage of grammar, syntax, spelling, and correct usage of APA


Consider current U.S. drug policy. Is drug use and abuse better addressed as a public health issue or a criminal law issue? What if anything should be done differently?


. Is drug use and abuse better addressed as a public health issue or a criminal law issue? What if anything should be done differently?
