describes the five steps involved in developing a cancer intervention program

Write a comprehensive response to the following questions: REGARDING THE PRECEDE-PROCED MODEL BY ANSWERING THE QUESTIONS BELOW

describes the five steps involved in developing a cancer intervention program
· How could you apply the model you selected to develop a culturally-competent intervention program that would reduce the incidence of YOUR Healthy People assigned focus area SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES?

· Explain how some of the constructs (components) of the model would be considered in your program design.

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· What are some of the strengths and weakness of the planning model you selected?

· Do you think the model you chose is the best model (from others mentioned in the readings or in the literature The PRECEDE-PROCEED model, The MAPP mode, The Intervention Mapping model
) to use for addressing this Healthy People assigned focus area? Why or why not?

describes the five steps involved in developing a cancer intervention program

When writing the essay, imagine that you are a health educator or other health professional that is planning a prevention program that relates to the Healthy People assigned focus area you were assigned at the start of the term (e.g. Healthy People assigned focus area sexually transmitted diseases). Your goal is to develop a program that reduces the incidence of the disease and decreases the risk factors associated with the disease.


Course Text: Social and Behavioral Foundations of Public Health

Chapter 13, “Planning Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Programs”
This chapter focuses on the models often used to guide the development intervention programs. It also explores the various settings where health promotion and disease prevention programs are implemented.
Chapter 14, “Community-Based Approaches to Health Promotion”
There are a variety of community-based intervention programs throughout the country. Some people believe that community-level interventions have the greatest potential for challenging health disparities. This chapter discusses the benefits and challenges of creating health promotion programs.
Article: Hussain-Gambles, M. (2003). Ethnic minority underrepresentation in clinical trials: Whose responsibility is it anyway? Journal of Health Organization and Management, 17(2), 138–143. Retrieved from

This article explores the fact that ethnic minorities are often under-represented in clinical trials and proposes how this fact can be reversed or improved.

Article: National Cancer Institute, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health. (2005). Theory at a glance: A guide for health promotion practice. Retrieved from

You’ve read part of this manual in the beginning of this course. For this week, read “Part 3: Putting Theory and Practice Together.”

Cancer Control P.L.A.N.E.T.

This site describes the five steps involved in developing a cancer intervention program, which can be extrapolated to many other types of health promotion and disease intervention programs.
Optional Resources


Audio: Education Development Center. (2010). Link between health and learning [Audio recording]. Retrieved from

Article: Laverack, G., & Labonte, R. (2000). A planning framework for community empowerment goals within health promotion. Health Policy and Planning, 15(3), 255–262.

Health Behavior