how do you foresee yourself fulfilling this mission in the role of nurse leader?
. Becoming a part of a new team can be difficult at times. As a leader, how can you facilitate acceptance by team members for an employee who is new to your team?
8. Preventing and resolving conflict is the responsibility of every nurse leader. Review the scenario where a leader and a staff nurse have a disagreement over an assignment. What conflict management strategies may be employed to bring this to a “win-win” resolution? Please describe.
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9. Assume you are employed as a nurse leader at a small healthcare organization/agency that does not have a nurse on staff who is an expert in evidence-based practice. How would you lead the charge to overcome this barrier and integrate EBP into the daily practice of your staff?
10. Review Appendix A, Sections I–V in Finkelman (2012, pp. 510–515). Select one of the sections and share how your chief nurse executive demonstrates expertise in these competencies.
11. Describe one core measure OR National Patient Safety Goal that your work place is monitoring. Describe if you are meeting the standards.
If you are NOT working, describe a monitoring requirement imposed by a federal or state agency in which you are actively involved.
12. An important role for a BSN-prepared nurse is educating staff, either formally or informally. Visit the QSEN website to review teaching strategies at Select ONE of the current strategies and share how you could adapt this to educate staff at your work place. To make our discussion more robust, please try to select a strategy that has not already been discussed by your classmates. This is your opportunity to be creative and suggest innovative approaches.
13. Our College of Nursing states, “We are committed to graduating compassionate, ethical, and knowledgeable nurse leaders who are empowered to transform healthcare.” This is a powerful statement. As a student who will soon graduate from Chamberlain, how do you foresee yourself fulfilling this mission in the role of nurse leader? Provide a specific example of how you will “Walk the Talk.”