19 CHILD Psychology Multiple Choice Questions

1. ______ is the match between a child’s temperament and the environmental demands the child must cope with.

a. Extraversion/surgency

b. Goodness of fit

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c. Effortful control

d. An easy child

2. In Freud’s theory, the ______ is the moral branch of personality.

a. Ego

b. Yin

c. Superego

d. Id

3. ________ is made up of the processes involved in understanding the world around us, especially how we think and reason about other people.

a. Effortful control

b. Social cognition

c. Locomotion

d. Possible self

4. ________ is a discipline technique in which a parent attempts to gain control over the child. Examples include spanking, threatening, or removing privileges.

a. Power assertion

b. Induction

c. Love withdrawal

d. Scaffolding

5. ______ is the second stage of Kohlberg’s theory.

a. Punishment and obedience orientation

b. Individualism, instrumental purpose, and exchange

c. Mutual interpersonal expectations, relationships, and interpersonal conformity

d. Social systems morality

6. Emotional ______ involves perceiving and expressing emotions accurately, understanding emotion and possessing emotional knowledge, using feelings to facilitate thought, and managing emotions effectively.

a. Cognition

b. Range

c. Openness

d. Intelligence

7. _______ primarily promote the development of male genitals and secondary sex characteristics.

a. Estrogens

b. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

c. Estradiols

d. Androgens

8. _________are broad categories that reflect impressions and widely held beliefs about what behavior is appropriate for females and males.

a. Androgens

b. Gender stereotypes

c. Identity diffusions

d. Gender roles

9. 3 year old Ally throws a block at her sister, who starts to cry. Her mother says your sister is crying because you hurt her, ally. Ally’s mother is using _______ as a form of discipline.

a. Abuse

b. Reverse psychology

c. Induction

d. Construction

10. According to Thompson, a central, more complete index of self- recognition, the ability to recognize ones physical features doesn’t merge until the age of

a. One

b. Four

c. Two

d. 6 months

11. Kohlberg suggested that there are _____ stages of moral development.

a. Four

b. Six

c. Ten

d. Two

12. _______ is Piaget’s concept of the childhood expectation that if a rule is broken, punishment will be meted out immediately.

a. Immanent justice

b. Autonomous morality

c. Induction

d. Heteronymous morality

13. ________ development involves changes in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors regarding standards of right and wrong.

a. Moral

b. Social

c. Cognitive

d. Biological

14. In James Rest’s view (1995), moral _____ involves having strong convictions, persisting, and overcoming distractions and obstacles.

a. Mutuality

b. Character

c. Identity

d. Exemplar

15. Identity _______ is marcia’s term for the status of individuals who have made a commitment but not experienced a crisis

a. Moratorium

b. Foreclosure

c. Achievement

d. Diffusion

16. _______ is a child’s cognitive representation of the self.

a. Developmental change

b. Effortful control

c. Self understanding

d. Locomotion

17. _____ is the fifth Kohlberg stage

a. Universal ethical principles

b. Social contract or utility and individual rights

c. Mutual interpersonal expectations

d. Punishment and obedience orientation

18. ______ consists of two dimensions: 1. Mutuality and 2. Permeability

a. Connectedness

b. Individuality

c. Ethnic identity

d. Bicultural identity

19. The ____ States that gender differences result from the contrasting rolds od women and men.

a. Pelvic field defect

b. Social role theory

c. Social cognitive theory of gender

d. Psychoanalytic theory of gender