Why is it clear that there is a separation of church and state?
The type of government in which citizens elect representatives who decide policies on behalf of their constituents, sometimes called a representative democracy is also known as a (Points : 5)republicautocracygovernment by the fewmonarchy2.Why is it clear that there is a separation of church and state?(Points : 5)Because religious freedom is declared in the Declaration of Independence.Because of the precedent set by Roe v. Wade.Because of the concept of judicial review.Because there is an establishment clause.3. Democracy is a type of government in which supreme power of governance lies in the hands of its (Points : 5)elitesroyal familycitizenstotalitarian government4. Which document is an endorsement of the concept of the consent of the governed? (Points : 5)Articles of ConfederationThe ConstitutionThe Declaration of IndependenceThe Bill of Rights5. In the United States, the concept that is most clearly written into the Constitution and for which there is the greatest consensus, is equality of ___. (Points : 5)opportunityor among groupsstarting conditionsresult6. Liberalism in the United States today would (Points : 5)believe in the positive role of government and equality of opportunity.support corporate tax benefits.not support a womans right to have an abortion.hold an intolerant view of homosexual rights.7. This doctrine states that the United States, as the worlds remaining superpower, should engage in unilateral action (by the U.S. alone) and preventive war against countries regarded as threatening to the United States. (Points : 5)Monroe DoctrineRoosevelt CorollaryBush Doctrinelaissez-faire doctrine8. On the issue of healthcare in the United States, modern-day conservatives would want (Points : 5)universal healthcare with equal access for all.for government NOT to become over-involved in healthcare.socialized medicine.an increase in entitlements.9. The Bill of Rights is contained in the ___. (Points : 5)Declaration of IndependenceConstitutionFederalist papersArticles of Confederation10. A major reason that the Antifederalists criticized the Constitution was because ___. (Points : 5)they personally disliked the founding fathersthe new Constitution went too far in the guaranteeing states rightsthe Constitution did not go far enough in strengthening the power of the national governmentthe Constitution did not have a bill of rights11. The concept of Judicial Review is best explained as (Points : 5)the courts placing the Bill of Rights within the reach of majority opinion.having the political parties represent the Constitution.the courts determining the constitutionality of law based on the laws adherence to the Constitution, and in particular, the Bill of Rights.allowing people to vote for new revisions to the Bill of Rights.12. The Electoral College in U.S. politics is (Points : 5)the place where the populations votes are counted.where presidents go to college.a government university for civil service professionals.the final step by which the president is elected.13. The Constitutional principle of separation of powers provides that ___. (Points : 5)states can exercise reserved powersvoters can vote out of office those who abuse powerauthority is allocated to each of the three branches of the national governmenteach branch of the national government has some role in the action of the others14. In Marbury v. Madison, Chief Justice Marshall set a precedent by declaring ______ to be unconstitutional. (Points : 5)an act of Congressa state lawa decision of the Secretary of Statea Presidential appointment15. The fact that the executive, legislative, and judicial branches are equal in power demonstrates which concept? (Points : 5)National SupremacyDirect DemocracyChecks and BalancesJudicial Review16. Which of the following processes is a way for an immigrant to acquire U.S. citizenship? (Points : 5)By crossing the border.By place of birthBy naturalizationBy declaration17. Due process, as legal safeguards that prevent the government from arbitrarily depriving citizens of life, liberty, or property, are guaranteed in which amendment(s)? (Points : 5)First and Second.Fifth and Fourteenth.Tenth.Third and Tenth.18. Individual and collective actions, such as volunteering or voting, designed to identify and address issues of public concern in order to influence governmental action are known as: (Points : 5)civic engagementgovernmental responsibilitiesa matter of statusa requirement to pay taxes19. What part of the U.S. government is responsible for ratifying treaties with other nations?(Points : 5)the Presidentthe bureaucracythe House of Representativesthe Senate20.Within the executive branch, who is responsible for assisting the President in formulating national security policy?(Points : 5)National Security Council and key cabinet membersThe Speaker of the HouseThe Attorney GeneralThe U.S. Supreme Court