Which of the following is true of blindsight?

  1. The ability of Natalie J.’S grandfather to touch the end of a cane held by his doctor after

becoming blind after a stroke _________ _

  1. was made possible because his color visual system was intact
  2. was possible because his corpus callosum was intact
  3. was made possible because his primitive visual system was intact
  4. is due to chance
  5. occurred because the stroke did not involve the right hemisphere
  6. Blindsight suggests that some parts of the brain may playa special role in ________________________ _
  7. tactile sensation
  8. eye movements
  9. sleep-wake cycles
  10. reproductive behavior
  11. consciousness
  12. Which of the following is true of blindsight?
  13. The primitive visual system is key for consciousness.
  14. Reaching is only guided by the conscious visual system.
  15. People are acutely aware of their blindspots.
  16. Humans appear to have dual visual systems.
  17. The right hemipshere is important for language functi
  18. Transection of the _________________ may be useful for reducing the symptoms of __________________ _
  19. corpus callosum; epilepsy
  20. visual system; blindsight
  21. stria terminalis; amnesia
  22. parietal cortex; unilateral neglect
  23. corpus callosum; anxiety
  24. Epilepsy can be controlled by __________ _
  25. damaging portions of the parietal cortex
  26. damaging portions of the pineal gland
  27. drugs that stimulate the firing of neurons
  28. electrical stimulation of certain brain regions
  29. cutting the corpus callosum