what strategies do we use to galvanize positive change?

Implementing Organizing Change


Assess the methods of organizing and changing systems. As human service professionals, what strategies do we use to galvanize positive change? Are changes generally generated from the top down, or from the bottom up? Please provide an example of each to support your answer.  Also, discuss the dilemmas of the change agent – what obstacles do they face?

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Legal Considerations/Burnout

What are the primary legal considerations that every human service worker must be aware of? How do these legalities help to protect us and our clients?


Although many of you may not have experienced job stress or burnout within a human service agency, you may have experienced something similar in another aspect of your life.  Discuss your experiences and how you have coped with stress in the past.  Analyze some of the recommendations for avoiding burnout included in your readings and discuss some that you might want to implement for yourself in the future.






Read from the course text, An introduction to human services: Policy and practice (8th ed.):


a.  Chapter 13: Organizing and Changing Systems


b.  Chapter 14: Understanding Legal Issues


c.  Chapter 15: Staying Current and Avoiding Burnout



Recommended Reading

Borritz, M., Rugulies, R., Bjorner, J., Villadsen, E., Mikkelsen, O., & Kristensen, T.  (2006).  Burnout among employees in human service work: Design and baseline findings of the PUMA study.  Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 34(1), 49-58.  Retrieved from EBSCOhost.


Cleaveland, C.  (2010).  “We are not criminals”: Social work advocacy and unauthorized migrants.  Social Work, Jan2010, 55(1), 74-81.  Retrieved from EBSCOhost.


Stalker, C., Mandell, D., Frensch, K., Harvey, C., & Wright, M.  (2007).  Child welfare workers who are exhausted yet satisfied with their jobs: How do they do it?.  Child & Family Social Work, 12(2), 182-191.  Retrieved from EBSCOhost.