What roles do religions play in Appiah’s analysis?

Religion Analysis

Please be sure to separate this into two disctinct parts labeled part 1 and part 2. You are to only reference this particular essay and the book Anatomy of the Sacred by James C. Livingston.

Read the attatched article and then write an article analayzing the content of the material as instructed below:

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Read the article “The Case for Contamination” by Kwame Anthony Appiah and post your initial response to the following questions:

1. What roles do religions play in Appiah’s analysis?

2. How is your approach similar to or different from his?”

***Each response should be at least 100 words***


PART 2 – Essay (80 points)

After considering your initial response, write a more detailed answer to the question in an essay format. Your essay should be at least 1800-2000 words and your argument should be supported with information from the class readings and PowerPoints.

Submit your essay to Assignment Dropbox inside Blackboard.

Keep electronic and paper copies of all written work. For your own protection, keep a copy of your turnitin.com electronic receipt (confirmation of assignment submission), until you have received your final grade for the course.

In every Gordon Rule course at FIU, students must demonstrate “college-level writing skills.” College-level writing must exhibit the following characteristics:

  • It has clear purpose and thesis or controlling ideas.
  • The thesis is supported with adequate reasons and evidence.
  • It shows sustained analysis and critical thought.
  • It is organized clearly and logically.
  • It shows knowledge of conventions of standard written English.
  • It shows awareness of disciplinary conventions in regard to content, style, form, and delivery methods.
  • Moreover, sources must be cited as appropriate.

Thesis Statement: 

The thesis is the central idea of your paper around which all your evidence and claims are organized. Every single paragraph should be dedicated in a clear way to proving your thesis. In your essay, the thesis should be stated as quickly and as clearly as possible. In fact, many teachers will expect your thesis statement to appear in the last sentence of your essay’s first paragraph. A vivid thesis statement will announce the steps of its argument, not just provide a flat statement of the essay’s ultimate goal. Think of the thesis as a roadmap that gives directions to your reader rather than as a picture of your final destination.

A good thesis should not state something that is obviously true. When your thesis is too easy to prove, your essay can become repetitive and you may feel that you do not have enough to write about. A complex thesis, on the other hand, requires you to convince your reader that your argument is logical and will reveal ideas that cannot be easily anticipated. A worthwhile thesis will always outline an argument with which a reader can readily disagree.

These are two links to guide you to write a good thesis statement