What role does customer satisfaction play in your decision to utilize the health care facility in the future based on the findings?

Visit the Quality Check page of The Joint Commission website, enter the name and state of a health care organization within 100 miles of your home, and select search. Take the following steps to find two health care organizations:

  • Under the column organization name or number, type the healthcare organization name and state (e.g., Hospital – Hurley Medical Center, Michigan).
  • Once the chosen organization appears, click the View Accreditation Quality Report link. Once the summary of the report appears, click on the Accreditation National Safety goals link in the left navigation bar. You will be able to view the patient safety goals that were measured for the organization as it is compared to the national average. You will be able to view information that is more specific by clicking the See Detail link for each patient safety goal measured.

Identify two health care organizations that show a need for improvement in one specific area. After reviewing your findings, state the National Safety Goals and National Quality Improvement Goals where the facilities needed to improve. Compare and contrast the differences between the two facilities. In addition, list two recommendations that you feel would improve that particular area.

Your initial post should be 250-300 words and utilize at least one scholarly source from the Ashford University Library to justify your recommendations for improvement. Cite all sources in APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

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Guided Response: Choose two classmates and respond as a patient who has experienced the issue identified in your classmates’ posts. What role does customer satisfaction play in your decision to utilize the health care facility in the future based on the findings? What would you expect as the patient? Explain your answer. List at least one scholarly source to support your explanation.