What is the difference between a birth rate and a fertility rate?
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Click on the following link to answer questions 1-4. These questions are based on the tabulated state birth data for 2002.
http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr52/nvsr52_10_table10.pdfTabulated State Data
Click on the following link to answer questions 5-8. These questions are based on the tabulated state mortality (death) data for 2001.
http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/03facts/mortalitytables.htmTabulated State Data
Click on the following link to answer questions 9-10. These questions are based on the tabulated infant mortality, fetal mortality and perinatal mortality rates data for 1950-2005. Once at the site, click on table 4. Some of the answers to the questions can be found in the footnotes to Table 4.
http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/pubs/pubd/hus/updatedtables.htmCrude birth rates, fertility rates, and birth rates by age, race, and Hispanic origin of mother: United States, selected years 1950â2005
What is the difference between a birth rate and a fertility rate? In particular, why does the fertility rate always appear to be higher than the birth rate?
https://sunyit.sln.suny.edu/AngelUploads/Content/200809-UTI-HIM-220-35V/_assoc/6f8728773c868dd2d99b40bbc3fc020B/HTML Editor
What state or territory had the highest birth rate? Did that state or territory also have the highest fertility rate? If not, what state or territory did have the highest fertility rate? How did New York State compare to other states in the birth rate and fertility rate?
https://sunyit.sln.suny.edu/AngelUploads/Content/200809-UTI-HIM-220-35V/_assoc/6f8728773c868dd2d99b40bbc3fc020B/HTML Editor
In New York State, how did the birth rate of the 15-17 year age group compare to the total birth rate for the state?
https://sunyit.sln.suny.edu/AngelUploads/Content/200809-UTI-HIM-220-35V/_assoc/6f8728773c868dd2d99b40bbc3fc020B/HTML Editor
In New York State, how did the birth rate of the 18-19 year age group compare to the total birth rate for the…
Click on the following link to answer questions 1-4. These questions are based on the tabulated state birth data for 2002.
http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr52/nvsr52_10_table10.pdfTabulated State Data
Click on the following link to answer questions 5-8. These questions are based on the tabulated state mortality (death) data for 2001.
http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/03facts/mortalitytables.htmTabulated State Data
Click on the following link to answer questions 9-10. These questions are based on the tabulated infant mortality, fetal mortality and perinatal mortality rates data for 1950-2005. Once at the site, click on table 4. Some of the answers to the questions can be found in the footnotes to Table 4.
http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/pubs/pubd/hus/updatedtables.htmCrude birth rates, fertility rates, and birth rates by age, race, and Hispanic origin of mother: United States, selected years 1950â2005
What is the difference between a birth rate and a fertility rate? In particular, why does the fertility rate always appear to be higher than the birth rate?
https://sunyit.sln.suny.edu/AngelUploads/Content/200809-UTI-HIM-220-35V/_assoc/6f8728773c868dd2d99b40bbc3fc020B/HTML Editor
What state or territory had the highest birth rate? Did that state or territory also have the highest fertility rate? If not, what state or territory did have the highest fertility rate? How did New York State compare to other states in the birth rate and fertility rate?
https://sunyit.sln.suny.edu/AngelUploads/Content/200809-UTI-HIM-220-35V/_assoc/6f8728773c868dd2d99b40bbc3fc020B/HTML Editor
In New York State, how did the birth rate of the 15-17 year age group compare to the total birth rate for the state?
https://sunyit.sln.suny.edu/AngelUploads/Content/200809-UTI-HIM-220-35V/_assoc/6f8728773c868dd2d99b40bbc3fc020B/HTML Editor
In New York State, how did the birth rate of the 18-19 year age group compare to the total birth rate for the…
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