What is a radioisotope? What are some ways are used in biological research, clinical medicine and oncology
Relate the characteristics of elements and describe at least 3 elements: chemical symbol and function 2. Define the concept of atom,describe its components and how the atom is uniquely identified 3. Differences between atomic number and atomic mass 4. Define the periodic table and importance how scientific measurement 5. What is a radioisotope? What are some ways are used in biological research, clinical medicine and oncology 6. Briefly explain the concept of Molecule 7. Distinguish among covalent bonds, ionic bonds and hydrogen bonds and why are called chemical bonds 8. Describe the importance of water and why is called “polar molecule” (Looks the figure 2-7 page 33) 9. Describe the characteristics of hydrogen bonds and importance at the nature 10. Briefly describe the concept of oxidation and reductionRelate the characteristics of elements and describe at least 3 elements: chemical symbol and function 2. Define the concept of atom,describe its components and how the atom is uniquely identified 3. Differences between atomic number and atomic mass 4. Define the periodic table and importance how scientific measurement 5. What is a radioisotope? What are some ways are used in biological research, clinical medicine and oncology 6. Briefly explain the concept of Molecule 7. Distinguish among covalent bonds, ionic bonds and hydrogen bonds and why are called chemical bonds 8. Describe the importance of water and why is called “polar molecule” (Looks the figure 2-7 page 33) 9. Describe the characteristics of hydrogen bonds and importance at the nature 10. Briefly describe the concept of oxidation and reduction