What do you plan to be able to do as a result of your Health Education training

Question description

1.Goal-What do you plan to be able to do as a result of your Health Education training:

a. In one year:

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b. In five years:

c. In ten years:

2. Core Values- Identify at least 10 attributes that identify who you are and what your priorities are. Place an asterisk (*) next to the one value that is most important to you.

3. Identify at least 5 personal successes you’ve had within the last 5 years (can be at work, community, home, school, etc.).

4. Why did you choose to study health education?

5. What was your most favorite core course and why?

My most favorite core course is HEED 316 (FIRST AID, SAFETY AND CPR) because ……………..

6. What was your least favorite core course and why?

My last favorite core course is HEED 204 (COMMUNITY HEALTH PRACTICES) BECOUSE ………………… .

7. What population would you like to work with?

8. What health condition(s) are of interest to you?

9. Do your enjoy reading Public Health articles?

10. What is your experience reading Public Health journal articles?

11.What do you expect HEED 419 (HEALTH ISSUES AND RESEARCH

) to do to help you increase your ability to critically analyze Public Health journal articles?

12. What will you do to increase your skills in being able to critically analyze Public Health issues?

13. How much time are you willing to prepare to devote to your training in this course?

14. What skills do you believe a trained health educator should have?

15. What are your post-graduation plans (examples: graduate school, gaining full-time employment, etc.)?