What are specific ethical concerns that apply to behavior analysis in organizations?

Kaplan University

Psychology / Applied Behavior Analysis / Organizational Behavior Management

PS430: Program Design and Evaluation

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One original discussion post and two replies.

Topic: Ethics and effective programs



   The student is required to answer the case study questions below to make a new discussion post, then make a reply comment to two other student’s posts. So, one new original post, and two reply comments (one comment about Student 1’s post, and one comment about Student 2’s post).



Suggested References:

Chapter 16: “Ethics and behavior analysis in management” (attached document: Chapter_16.docx)

Visit the following website and review the BACB Code:

Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB, 2014) Behavior Analyst Certification Board professional and ethical compliance code for behavior analysts. Retrieved from http://bacb.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/160321-compliance-code-english.pdf

Discussion Questions:

Your text describes many areas in which ethics should be applied and describes the various guidelines that govern the practice of OBM. In addition to these guidelines Behavior Analysts practicing within organizations as well as working with individuals must abide by the BACB professional and ethical compliance code.

For this week’s Discussion you should consider specific areas highlighted in your text and the BACB code and answer the following:

1.          In your own words what are ethics?

2.          What are specific ethical concerns that apply to behavior analysis in organizations?

3.          Select one of the interventions or research designs you discussed throughout the term. Identify one of the specific codes from the BACB compliance code and describe how it applies to the intervention.

4.          Discuss the importance of ethics in creating and analyzing effective behavior analytic programs.



Student 1’s post:

To me, ethics are a set of ideals about how things should be done within a certain discipline in order to maintain integrity and safety. There are specific ethical concerns about behavioral determinism that causes people who are less educated about the laws governing human behavior to worry about its misuse (of one controlling another’s behavior) (Redmon, 2001).  Studies have shown that even the acceptability of the terms used in behavioral approaches are much less than the terms associated with humanistic approaches (Redmon, 2001).  When the terms were removed and only operational definitions were provided with the procedures, it was the procedures themselves that were unacceptable to those in the study (Redmon, 2001).  These perceived ethics are a concern for behavior analysts and it is in the best interest of the field for the population at large to be more accepting of ABA so they can actually benefit from it (Redmon, 2001).  It might take changing some of the language behavior analysts use and substituting language that has acquired more positive associations in the general population in order to change this negative perception (Redmon, 2001).


When using the ABAB research design it is necessary to ensure compliance of the BACB code 3.0 Assessing Behavior.  This requires that behavioral assessment techniques like the ABAB research design are to only be used for those purposes as demonstrated appropriate by research (BACB, 2013).  Any other reason (i.e. medical possibility) should be referred to an appropriate specialist (BACB, 2013). All of the reports /information resulting from the assessment must be substantiated (BACB, 2013).  Behavior analysts must refrain from misuse of assessment techniques and/ or their findings and realize the limitation to their ability to make predictions or judgements about individuals (BACB, 2013).  Behavior analysts should not allow unqualified persons engage in assessment procedures (BACB, 2013).


Ethics are an important part of creating and analyzing effective behavior analytic programs because it involves controlling and monitoring other people’s behavior.  How and why decisions are made relating to the appropriateness of applying the laws of behavior to individuals or groups requires established guidelines to ensure personal liberties and values are not violated, whether intentionally or not (Redmon, 2001).  Having a code of ethics allows for the safety of both the client and the practitioner.




BACB. (2013). Guidelines for responsible conduct for behavior analysts. Retrieved from http://bacb.com/ethics/


Redmon, W. K. (2001). Handbook of organizational performance. [VitalSource Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from https://kaplan.vitalsource.com/#/books/9781136389993/


Student 2’s post:


Ethics to me is defined as being appropriate and fair with all clients and individuals and remembering my morals which I have been raised on. Respect!!!


Some ethical concerns that apply to behavior analysis in organizations have been noted that public laws are related to ethical issues in that they define what is and is not appropriate behavior (Redmon, W.K. 2001).


When using ABAB research design compliance of the BACB code is necessary. This requires that behavioral assessment techniques like the ABAB research design are to only be used for those purposes as demonstrated appropriate by research (BACB, 2013). Any other reason (i.e. medical possibility) should be referred to an appropriate specialist (BACB, 2013).


Ethics is a very important part of psychology and any business at that. We need to uphold our professionalism to the fullest extent. How and why decisions are made relating to the appropriateness of applying the laws of behavior to individuals or groups requires established guidelines to ensure personal liberties and values are not violated, whether intentionally or not (Redmon, 2001).




BACB. (2013). Guidelines for responsible conduct for behavior analysts. Retrieved from http://bacb.com/ethics/



Redmon, W. K. (2001). Handbook of organizational performance. [VitalSource Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from https://kaplan.vitalsource.com/#/books/9781136389993/