What are some of the major influences and constraints governments currently face in designing and implementing public policy?


Select any four of the following questions to answer. Drawing on your readings and discussions with your tutor, write a 2-3 page response for each question.

  1. In the Pal textbook, the author writes about the new dynamics that public policy makers face. What are some of the major influences and constraints governments currently face in designing and implementing public policy?
  2. Why is “problem definition” so important in the public policy process?
  3. Think of a problem that has not yet attracted the attention of government. Why do you think government is unaware of this problem? What could be done to attract the attention of government?
  4. Was the Canadian health system to blame for the “affordability crisis” in the early 1990s? Explain why or why not.
  5. When government began closing hospital beds and withdrawing money from the health care system, critics claimed that the lives of individuals were being put in jeopardy. Initially, government did nothing. Why do you think government reacted that way?


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