What are some healing visualizations you can use to restore yourself to health?
EXERCISE 20.1 I Have a Vision: The Art of Visualization
A popular song back in the 1960s had a line that went like this: “Thinking is the best
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Order Paper Nowway to travel.” In many ways this is true. The mind has an incredible ability to project
itself to many places—some places the body might have been to, some only the mind
visits in dreams. Traveling on the thoughts generated by the mind, we can go anywhere.
No ticket or baggage is required, only a desire and your imagination.
If you had the ability to project yourself anywhere to relax for an hour or so,
where would you go? This journal theme invites you to plan five mental mini-vacations
and then use the powers of your imagination to take you there.
Visualization can also be used to heal the body by using your imagination to
create a vision of restored health of a specific organ or region of your body. In fact, visualization is one of the leading techniques in mind-body medicine.
The purpose of this exercise, then, is to sharpen your imagination and relaxation
skills so that when you recognize your need to unwind you can escape, if only
momentarily, to a place that gives you peace of mind. When drafting these images,
give as much detail as possible so you can not only see them in your mind’s eye, but
actually feel yourself there through all five senses.
What are some healing visualizations you can use to restore yourself to
In the course Webliography, there are two guided mental imagery tracks that accompany your text: (1) A Mountain Lake and (2) Rainbow Meditation. Listen to each of these and write your impressions of each in the following space.