Using Sound Recorder Software

Explore the production aspects of creating digital media, including selecting an appropriate sound recorder, using specific recorder filters, and identifying an appropriate format to compress media files

To complete the assignment, perform the following tasks:

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Record the script you created in W1 Assignment 3 by using Audacity.
Create a folder on your hard drive called ITS4110_LastName_FirstInitial_Project.
Save your file as an Audacity project in this newly created folder. You will have a subfolder and a file within your created folder.
Compress your created folder (with the subfolder and file) and name this zipped folder as _ITS4110_W2_A2_LastName_FirstInitial_1.
Edit out any “uhms,” “ahs,” or distracting breaths or noises from the recording.
Use the Noise Removal Filter and experiment with at least one other filter. Save versions in case you don’t like your changes. Export the final file as an .mp3 file, named. _ITS4110_W2_A2_LastName_FirstInitial_2.mp3.
In addition, in a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document, describe your experience with respect to:

Successes and challenges of the experience
The filters you used
The change in file sizes among the three files

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