UR-531: NURSING INFORMATICS: CONCEPTS AND ISSUES Final ProjectStudents Please Note: This assignment must be submitted to turnitin.com.The Turnitin originality report MUST be submitted in PDF format. At the link below is a screenshot with instructions:Screenshot with PDF InstructionsAssignments submitted with turnitin reports in any other format will not be graded.Reference the “Turnitin Requirement” section of the course Syllabus (orUsing Turnitin for Assignments on the Topic List Page) for general instructions. Upload both your assignment and the originality report within the assignment link.OVERVIEWThe purpose of this assignment is to encourage you to develop information literacy skills, effectively use APA format in creating a formal paper, develop clear and concise writing skills, and increase your knowledge and understanding of nursing informatics and healthcare information technology concepts.FINAL PAPER TOPIC GUIDELINESChoose a topic from the course in which you have an interest. Apply theory and content from the course modules, informed by current literature and course materials. Some possible topics include the following:The Electronic Health Record (EHR)Note: The theoretical framework presented in Written Assignment 1 will serve as the underlying foundation for the paper. Here, you are todemonstrate how it may be applied to a specific nursing informatics issue.Using that topic and the theoretical framework or model, write a paper that must be between 3750 to 6000 words (15 to 20 pages) in narrative, not including the title and reference pages. This assignment is worth 25{0e601fc7fe3603dc36f9ca2f49ef4cd268b5950ef1bbcf1f795cc00e94cdd119} of the final course grade.The paper should follow APA format and include the following sections:AbstractIntroductionBackgroundBodyImplications and conclusions with future directionsReferences (minimum 7 to 10)Please note that this is a high level guide, but you should refer to the grading rubric for a comprehensive description of the paper requirements.WRITING AND RESEARCH RESOURCESThe following links provide online writing and research aids to help you with your paper assignments.OWL (Online Writing Lab) at Purdue UniversityWriter’s Handbook, the Writing Center at the University of Wisconsin–MadisonAPA GuidelinesInformation Literacy for TESU Students (an online guide from the New Jersey State Library to assist you in starting your research, searching databases for articles, citing sources, using ILLiad to request books or articles, etc.)