Understanding Deductive Categorical Reasoning

Deductive categorical reasoning is demanding. Its forms are rigid, but they are rigid with a reason; deductive categorical arguments are intended to prove the conclusion. If the premises are true and the conclusion logically follows, you have no choice but to accept the argument. The categorical syllogism is like a piece of machinery, the parts working together to produce a result – in the case of the categorical syllogism, the truth of the conclusion.

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Explain how the machinery of the categorical syllogisms works.
Why two premises and one conclusion?
Why only three terms?
Why only four standard forms?
When and where, in your private life or your work life, would you want to use this type of reasoning?
Look at “One Step Further” at the end of Chapter 6 or choose from Exercise 6.22, examples 1, 5 or 7. Translate one of the arguments there into a categorical syllogism.

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