Topic: The effect of tobramycin and copper tobramycin on pseudomonas with biofilm in COPD patients.

I would like to cover these points:
1. COPD in general
2. Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections are increasingly associated with acute exacerbations in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
3. Aminoglycoside antibiotics
4. Tobramycin
5.Copper tobramycinMy hypothesis is that copper tobramycin has Dnase activity but is also an antibiotic.Aims and objectives:Aims:
1.To ascertain if treatment with tobramycin might be appropriate for bacterial infection in COPD.2.To investigate whether copper tobramycin is better than tobramycin at killing pseudomonas growing in biofilm.
1. To find out if copper-tobramycin is more effective than tobramycin in killing growth as a biofilm.2.To discover whether is any evidence for DNA hydrolysis in biofilm.


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