topic is the county should Increase the police to solve the crime caused by prop 47.


(topic is the county should Increase the police to solve the crime caused by prop 47. The sinful crimes have made our urban area full of robbery, broken car and other unsafe hidden dangers.) 

(Act No. 47 reclassified property crimes below $950, including theft, shoplifting, stolen goods, and forged cheques.

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· The possession of drugs (including cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine) is considered a misdemeanor if it is an individual user.

However, since the implementation of this bill for more than a year, street burglaries in many cities in California have become increasingly rampant, which has not only caused headaches for the people and businesses. When the police face such crimes in law enforcement, they are almost helpless.)

Addressed to a city official regarding something that you feel should be changed

Points will be awarded for creating proper business letters that include and do the following: 

 Information: offer an educated, informed perspective with research cited

 Explanation: explain the harm caused which justifies the request

 Suggestion: provide a clear course of action for the letter recipient

 Reasoning: give multiple reasons for the request, change, or action needed

 Appeals: think about the change agent to whom the letter is written (person, not just the organization) and personalize the message

 Formatting: use proper salutation, address of recipient, correct contact information for the advocate 

 Grammar: writing should be at a college level

 Brevity: at least one page in length – avoid going into two

Suggested Form: 

Paragraph 1: I’m writing to urge you to support/oppose (bill number) (Or I am writing to express my concern about…. (issue)). Immediately identify the subject about which you are writing, and the bill number of the legislation, if you know it. Briefly state your concern. 

Paragraph 2: I am a resident of (city or town). It is important to let your state legislator know you are writing as a constituent. Your letter carries more weight if you live, work, or do business in the lawmaker’s district. 

Paragraph 3: I urge you to support/ oppose (bill number) because… (or: The reason I’m very concerned about this issue is because..) Clearly and briefly explain your concerns. If you’re writing about a specific bill, explain the reasons you support or oppose the bill. Make it real. State facts if you can. Give illustrations. Tell how you, your family, your business, your patients, your community, or your region would be affected. Offer to give more information about the subject and the basis of your views. 

Closing: Repeat the outcome you are seeking. I urge you to… (or: I hope I can count on your help to: ) I would appreciate knowing your views on this matter. Thank you for your consideration. Always thank the legislator for his or her help.