to what extent is faking a problem with selection measures and tests what types of selection measures and tests are most likely to be faked and what if anything can organizations do about this

The question of the research paper is:

To what extent is “faking” a problem with selection measures and tests? What types of selection measures and tests are most likely to be “faked,” and what, if anything, can organizations do about this?

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Guild line: The project consists of a 6 page written report. The questions to be investigated are purposefully formulated in a broad manner as to allow for students’ own input and creativity.

It is important to note that this paper is not a “book report,” in that we are not asking you to simply regurgitate what the academic articles say about a topic. We expect you to use the research to develop and support an answer to the research question and to develop some possible recommendations for organizations to follow. In other words, integrate the research that you find and tell an interesting (but well-supported) story about your topic. This will require critical thinking and your own insight. As mentioned above there usually is not a clear solution to these issues, and so you are expected to discuss both the pros and cons, or benefits and problems, of the issues related to your question.

The detail guildline is in the word ducument, and the PPT can help you understand the type of selection mearsure. other resource can help you with the research paper. In this paper you need to use six resources to write. There are the resource I found for you with may help.


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