The Legal System/Framing Issues of Public Health, Law, and Policy
Question description
The Legal System/Framing Issues of Public Health, Law, and Policy
The Session Long Project will involve an in-depth study of a governmental role/program in public health. Your project will involve identifying responsible governmental agencies; describing current challenges and potential impact; proposing a public health policy; researching pertinent laws; and evaluating the ethical principles of laws/policies, financial impact, and sources of funding.
- Select a governmental role/responsibility in public health for your SLP. Describe the governmental role/responsibility. Identify the agencies responsible at federal, state, and local government level.
- Describe the current challenges and potential impact of these challenges to public health (related to the item you selected in No. 1).
- Describe the goal of the proposed policy.
- What is the supporting evidence for implementing this policy?
- How is this policy to be achieved?
- Who is this policy intended to help?
- Which agencies will implement this policy?
- How cost-effective do you expect this policy to be?
- How well do you anticipate this policy will be accepted, given the priorities, culture, values, and political climate?
- What are your strategies for overcoming barriers in implementing the policy?
Length: Assignment should be from 3 to 4 pages (750 to 1000 words) in length. 3 cited sources from required reading
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Read Chapters 1 and 2 of the following text:
Wing, K. R., & Gilbert, B. (2007). The law and the public’s health. Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.
Health Policies. (2011).
Brownson, R., Chriqui, J., & Stamatakis, K. (2009). Understanding evidence-based public health policy. American Journal of Public Health, 99(9), 1576-1583. Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Global.
Magnusson, R. S. (2007). Mapping the scope and opportunities for public health law in liberal democracies. The Journal of Law, Medicine, & Ethics, 35(4), 571-587.
Roberts, D. (2008). The American people speak out on health care. Public Manager, 37(4), 91-93. Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Global