The Influence Of Culture And Personal Values On Cognitive Dissonance

2 Questions (read carefully, they have different delivery dates)

1st question:


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What is the influence of culture on social mores and personal values? Explain. To what extent, if any, does cognitive dissonance affects our attitude, culture representations, and the application of a Christian worldview? Support your position.

350-400 words

Due 6/13/2020 at 11.00 am eastern time (Florida time)

At least 2 citations not older than 2015.

Do not plagiarize

2nd question:

Does cognitive dissonance theory or consistency theory better describe cognitive representation and social attitudes? Why?

350-400 words

Due 6/15/2020 at 11.00 pm eastern time (Florida time)

At least 2 citations not older than 2015.

Do not plagiarize