the importance of remaining self aware in groups 400 words

The Importance of Remaining Self-Aware in Groups- Journal 5 -400 words no plagiarize, spell check, and check your grammar. Be mindful of grammar.
I am a director of social services -non-verbal communication is powerful working in the shelter because clients really observe your body, and facial language. In the conference room I have placed a mirror on the wall and I have staff sit in front of the mirror when I we have team conference with the clients. I use an old trick I was taught in corporate American. I place a mirror on the wall so staff can always be aware on what kind of signals they are sending off.

Reflect on your level of self-awareness and on the character and nature of your self-awareness.
How has your self-awareness informed and influenced what you have learned in this course so far?
What can you do to improve in this area?

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