Syllable summary Answers 1Bids 1Other questions 10

I need a summary for my college writing class as basic as possible (using common and basic vocabulary and grammar) because I am international beginner English student I need it after 6 hours  After reading the Syllabus, write a 300-word summary in your own words about it’s key points.  The syllabus   Course Description: Instruction in the college writing process, with intensive practice in writing clear, logical, and persuasive prose, stressing focus, content, organization, style and conventions in argument. Students must pass with a final grade of “C” to fulfill the liberal arts curriculum requirements. The Student Guide to Writing at Cedar Crest College states, “Your Wr1-1 course will introduce you to the experience of writing-as-a-process in college learning.  You’ll study the work of both professional writers and your classmates, draft your own essays that try different techniques of engaging your reader, and revise your drafts to understand how you might most improve upon your writing.” Required texts:  1. They Say/I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writingwith Readings by Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkentein, 3rd edition. New York: W.W. Norton, 2010. 2. The Pocket Wadsworth Handbook by Laurie G. Kirszner and Stephen R. Mandell, 7th Boston: Thomson Higher Education, 2011. (See for an online research and documentation style guide.) 3. Nickel and Dimed, On (Not) Getting by in America, by Barbara Ehrenreich, Picador, New York, 2001. 4. Assorted Handouts that will be distributed during the semester. 5. The pamphlet “Writing at Cedar Crest College: A Student’s Guide,”2016-2017.Recommended materials: 1. Flash drive (portable USB memory device).2. A college-level dictionary of recent vintage, such as Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th You may find a thesaurus handy too. (See for online versions.)3. Pocket folder or 3-ring binder to hold all course papers (syllabus, handouts, drafts, revisions, final graded papers & exercises). Course Goals: Upon completion of their WRI-1 class, students should be able to:1. Use critical reading and writing strategies as a way of inquiring, understanding, and thinking about a subject.2. Use writing to communicate their own understanding of a subject while integrating and distinguishing their ideas from those of others.3. Analyze other writers’ arguments by locating and evaluating their claims, the ways in which they support those claims, and how they address counterarguments and alternative points of view.4. Focus on a writing task’s purpose by clearly articulating an insightful claim (or series of claims) and drawing upon sound reasoning, specific and pertinent evidence, illustrative examples, and relevant authorities to express and develop those ideas.5. Draw upon and use a variety of rhetorical forms, genres, and structures as appropriate to the expectations of audience and the demands of a writing task.6. Understand that there are differences between academic writing styles in the humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences (the MLA, CSE, and APA, for instance). These differences include citation methods and procedures for incorporating quotation, paraphrase, and summary of source material, but also matters such as organization, style, tone, vocabulary, and format.7. Utilize research skills and appropriate technologies in effectively addressing a writing assignment to locate, evaluate, analyze, and synthesize both primary and secondary sources.8. See that successful writing often takes several drafts, and develop strategies for generating and revising ideas and the language to express them, along with editing and proofreading practices to ensure readability.9. Critique their own and others’ writing and ideas, as well as understand the collaborative and social contexts in which writing takes place.10. Prepare a manuscript of professional quality and format, while controlling readability conventions in spelling, grammar, mechanics, and syntax. Honor Philosophy: The Cedar Crest Honor Philosophy states that students shall uphold community standards for academic and social behavior to preserve a learning environment dedicated to personal and academic excellence. It is based upon the principle that, as a self-governing body, students have the ability to create an atmosphere of trust and support.  Within this environment, individuals are empowered to make their own decisions, develop personal regard for the system under which they live, and achieve a sense of integrity and judgment that will guide them through life. Academic Honesty & Plagiarism: Plagiarism is stealing someone else’s intellectual work. Any time you use someone else’s written thoughts without attributing those thoughts to their author – either in paraphrase or word-for-word (as in cutting and pasting) – you are PLAGIARIZING. It’s fraudulent and the worst academic offense. So, DON’T DO IT! If you are caught plagiarizing any part of a paper, you will get an F for that paper. If you are caught plagiarizing a SECOND TIME you will FAIL THE COURSE depending on the severity of the offense. All cases of academic misconduct will be kept on record with Cedar Crest College’s Provost Office. Cedar Crest College formally defines plagiarism as an act of academic misconduct in the following way:“Plagiarism is the act, intentional or not, of misrepresenting the work, research, language, or ideas of another person (published or unpublished) as one’s own. An assignment or part of an assignment that fails to acknowledge source material through an appropriate academic discipline’s citation conventions for quotation, paraphrase, and summary also constitutes plagiarism.” Class Attendance & Participation: Successful writing by its nature is an interactive process, so your regular attendance of class is crucial to your doing well in Writing 100.  According to the Student Guide, accumulating “three absences in a class that meets twice a week … may result in a lowered grade.  If a student misses the equivalent of ¼ of the class meetings (… four in the one-meeting-a-week sequence…), the student will receive a final grade of F.”  In addition, there will be penalties for missing assignment deadlines (see the Instructional Plan below).Participation in the class means more than just showing up.  You are expected to contribute to class discussions, provide construction peer review feedback on your classmates’ rough drafts, and complete all assignments on time.  Participation in the class can amount to 10 percent of your grade (30 points).Classroom behavior:Respect for everyone in the classroom is essential for a positive learning environment. Disruptive and disrespectful conduct will not be tolerated and will affect your grade. Disruptive behavior includes, but is not limited to: Arriving late or leaving early, sleeping in class, texting or using a cell phone or other electronic device, completing work for another class, using computers for non-classroom activities, insulting other members of the class.INSTRUCTIONAL PLANSince Writing 100 is a first-year composition course, most class time will be spent engaged in the writing process – prewriting, writing, and revision. Specific instructional activities will include lecture, discussion, writing exercises, small group interaction and collaboration, peer reviews, online research and student presentations. In addition, I will hold conferences with you twice during the semester to discuss your progress.Assignments: For each of the first three Units of this class you will be required to write one minor 2.5-to-3-page paper dealing with that unit’s central discussion question. Each of these papers will focus on a different style or mode of writing. You will also write one 300-word summary, one 300-word personal response, and two 250-word journal entries during each of the first three units. The summaries and responses will deal with the course’s central reading assignments. The summaries, responses, and longer papers will be subject to drafting, peer review, and revision. As much of this work as possible will be done in class. The journal entries, which will be written in class, will deal with writing issues and personal assessments. These are intended to be frank examinations of the journal topic that will be between only the writer and the instructor. Each of the three major unit papers are designed to lay the groundwork both in content and writing styles for the final unit’s culminating paper – 5-to-6-page assignment. There will only be this paper and one journal entry during the final unit.  For the semester this comes to 3 summaries, 3 responses, 7 journal entries, 3 800-word (minimum) papers, and 1 1,200-word (minimum) research paper.Deadlines: When rough drafts of summaries, responses, and longer papers are due, you are expected to have them ready to be peer reviewed. The feedback that peer review provides is essential to learning how to write effectively.  It helps you to learn whether you are effectively communicating your thoughts to others.  If you miss this process, it will be your responsibility to get your paper peer reviewed at the Writing Center so you can revise the paper by its due date. Summaries and responses will be graded after the first revision. Minor papers will be graded twice. After you revise based upon your peer reviews, I will give you a “soft” grade and my comments.  If you’re satisfied with the “soft” grade, you can accept it, or you can revise for a higher grade based upon my comments.  You will have one week after receiving the “soft” grade and my comments to revise for a better grade.  That time period will be determined by the date of the class the paper is returned to you.  If you miss the final deadlines, your grade will be reduced by 5 points for each class it is late. NO PAPER WILL BE ACCEPTED IF IT IS MORE THAN 2 CLASSES LATE.  That means a zero for that assignment.Portfolio: You will be expected to keep all your course papers in a binder or folder for reference. Earlier writing in the semester can become the building blocks for assignments later in the semester, but if you can’t find them, you won’t be able to use them.  So keep a portfolio of your work and important course papers such as the syllabus for reference throughout the course.Assignment Format:  All papers are to be typewritten, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font. Use 1-inch margins top, sides, and bottom (except for page numbers which should be ½ inch from the top right corner of each page). Each paper should have your name, instructor’s name, class & section, and date in the upper left corner of the first page. Double spaced and centered below that should be the title for the paper. Page lengths for assignments will not include such things as cover pages and Works Cited pages. By the end of the semester you will be expected to use standard academic styles and citation protocols (MLA, APA, CSE) in your papers. These styles can be found in The Cengage Handbook and by using the Purdue OWL or Modern Language Association links under the Pages tab.Grades: Your grade will be determined on a 300-point scale. Each of the assignments will be worth the following:Participation                                     30 points3 Summaries                                   15 points each = 45 points3 Responses                                      15 points each = 45 points7 Journal Entries                               5 points each = 35 points3 Minor Papers                              25 points each = 75 points1 Research Paper                                   70 points                                                                Total                                                    300 pointsFinal semester grades will be based on the following are the point cut-offs:280 points = A                 240 points = B-              180 points = D270 points = A-                230 points = C+                179 points & below = F260 points = B+               220 points = C250 points = B                 210 points = C-WRI 001 College Writing Studio: College Writing Studio is a supplemental writing lab for WRI-1 courses, providing extended workshop time and basic writing instruction in grammar, sentence and paragraph structures, and essay coherence. Cedar Crest places students in the studio based upon college entrance exams, SAT verbal scores, and your first-week writing sample. If you are placed in the studio, please consult your college schedule for the day, time, and location of the studio’s meetings. See the syllabus section on “Submitting Assignments, Deadlines, and Lateness” for possible extensions on unit papers for studio students. Class Cancellation: If Cedar Crest’s campus is open, you should expect our class meetings to be held. If troublesome weather threatens to close the campus and thus cancel class, you should refer to Cedar Crest’s Inclement Weather Hotline at 610-606-4629 for notification.College Policy Regarding Learning Disabilities:  Students with documented disabilities who may need academic accommodations should discuss these needs with their professors during the first two weeks of class.  Students with disabilities who wish to request accommodations should contact the Learning Center.Class ScheduleThis schedule is offered as a guide and is subject to change as circumstances warrant.Unit 1 – Weeks 1-4Definition: What is the American Dream?During this Unit you will read the introduction and first section of Nickel and Dimed plus selected readings in They Say, I Say and some grammar reviewWeek 1 – Jan. 17 – Introductions. Review Syllabus. Writing sample.Readings: Intro & Part 1 pp. 1-51 of They Say, I Say, First section of Nickel & Dimed, Handout #1, and articles “What’s Up With the American Dream” and “Inequality has been going on forever.’  pp. 535-548 in They Say, I say.Writing assignments: Syllabus Summary. First Summary. Homework: Introduction & Chaps. 1,2 & 3 of They Say, I Say.  Assigned Chaps. in The Pocket Wadsworth.Week 2 – Jan. 24 – Discuss readings. Peer review & revise First Summary. Pre-writing of First                                         Response Paper.Readings: Handout #2, Part 2, pp. 35-101 in They Say, I Say, “RIP, the Middle Class: 1946-2013” on p. 549 in They Say, I Say, and start reading second section of Nickel & Dimed.Writing assignments:  Peer review & revise First Response Paper. Draft response on first section of Nickel and Dimed and “American Dream: Dead or Alive’ p. 610. First Journal Entry. Start drafting First Minor Paper (Definition). First Summary Paper due.Week 3 – Jan. 31 – Discuss readings. Peer review First Minor Paper. Grammar exercises.            Readings: Finish second section of Nickel & Dimed. Part 3 of They Say, I Say, pp. 105-159, and ‘Blue Collar Brilliance,’ p. 272.            Writing assignments: Finish First Minor Paper. First Response Paper Due.Week 4 – Feb. 7 – Discuss readings & do grammar exercises. Write Second Journal in class.Readings: Handout #3, Part 4 of They Say, I Say, pp. 163-201, and rest of second section of Nickel & Dimed.Writing assignments: Draft Second Summary. First Minor Paper due.Unit 2 – Weeks 5-8Comparison & Contrast: What is a good job?  How do you know when you have one? What sort of jobs have you had and what kind do you want? How will an education help you?During this unit you will read the second section of Nickel and Dimed and selected readings from They Say, I Say.Week 5- Feb. 14 – Discuss readings. Grammar exercises. Write Third Journal in class.            Readings: Handout #4, finish second section of Nickel & Dimed and “Confronting Inequality…’ p. 561 in They Say, I Say.            Writing assignments: Draft Second Summary.Week 6- Feb. 21 – Discuss readings. Peer review Second Summary. Draft Second Response            Readings: MLA section of Pocket Wadsworth and ‘Should Everyone Go to College?’ p. 208 in They Say, I Say.            Writing assignments: Finish Second Response Paper. Second Summary due.Week 7 – Feb. 28 – Academic citation/formatting review. Peer review Second Response Paper. Write Fourth Journal in class.            Readings: Continue reading Nickel & Dimed. ‘American Remains the World’s Beacon of Success’ p. 618 in They Say, I Say.            Writing assignments: Draft Second Minor Paper. Second Response due.Spring Break – March 6-10 – No classesWeek 8 – March 14 – Discuss readings. MLA exercises. Peer review Second Minor Paper.            Readings: Handout #4, start reading third section of Nickel & Dimedand ‘What’s killing poor white women?’ p. 591 in They Say, I Say.            Writing assignments: 300-word Research Proposal. Second Minor Paper due.Week 9 – March 21 – CONFERENCES – review progress & Research Paper proposals.Unit 3 – Weeks 9-12Cause & Effect: Does the employment shape us or do we shape it?You will finish reading the third section of Nickel and Dimed and selected readings from They Say, I Say.Week 10 – March 28 – Discuss readings. Write Fifth Journal in class.            Readings: Finish Nickel & Dime and read ‘Bring on More Immigrant Entrepreneurs’ on p. 623 in They Say, I Say. Do research for final paper.            Writing assignments: Draft Third Summary. Start working on Research PaperWeek 11 – April 4 – Peer review & revise Third Summary. Draft Third Response in class.            Readings: Finish Nickel & Dimed and read ‘King’s Dream Remains an Elusive Goal’ on p. 627 in They Say, I Say. Do research for final paper.            Writing assignments: Write Sixth Journal. Third Response Paper due.Week 12 – April 11 – Peer review & revise Third Minor Paper.            Readings: Review MLA section in Pocket Wadsworth. Read ‘Does Texting Affect Writing?’ on p. 361 in They Say, I Say.            Writing assingments: Draft Research Papers. Third Minor Paper due.  Unit 4 – Weeks 13-14Finishing the Research PaperWeek 13 – April 18 – Workshop on Research Papers.            Readings: None.            Writing assignments: Finish Research PaperWeek 14 – April 25 – Write 7th Journal Entry in class. Research Paper due.Classes end Mon., April 30

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