Stress And It’s Management
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Stress and Its Management
Course Syllabus Course Information Course Title: PSY2230: Stress and Its Management Course Number: CRN 90160 Term and Year: First Half (A): Fall Semester, 2019 (03 Sep 2018 – 22 Oct 2018) Credit Hour: 3.00 Course Format: Virtual
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Order Paper NowInstructor Information Full Name: Kristen Lee EdD, LICSW Please see teaching philosophy and bio in Blackboard Email Address: Office Hours: Email or call me to schedule an appointment
Course Description This course will provide students with a research-experiential approach to understanding stress and its
effects on human behavior and physiology. Stress is an aspect of everyday contemporary life. This course discusses the work of researchers and
practitioners in stress management and considers the causes of stress from a variety of theoretical and practice- based perspectives. Topics include the relation of stress to health, communication, relationships, academic and work performance. In addition, this course examines the techniques and implementation of stress management in personal and professional arenas. Students will consider different perspectives of stress and learn coping methods from various social and cultural standpoints.
• Workload: This is a 7.5 week, three-credit course; students should expect 2.5 hours a week of faculty instruction/self-study and a minimum of 5 hours of out-of-class student work per week.
• Policy on late work: Unexcused late assignments will be penalized. Unless specified otherwise, each assignment is due at 11:59 pm EST for the date indicated. No make-up work (homework, discussion board posts, quizzes, etc) will be permitted. Extra credit assignments are not available. If valid circumstances arise, deadline extensions may be offered (when requested with adequate prior notice: two days before due date).
• Communication with Instructor: Outside of class, please direct all communications through university email or through the “Ask the Instructor” forum in the Bb Discussion Board. During normal working hours, I can also be reached at the CPS office by the phone number listed in Instructor Information. I try to respond to all questions/comments as soon as I receive them, but please note that the department standard response time is between 24 and 48 hours.
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Course Materials
Required Texts: • Stress Management for Life: A Research-Based Experiential Approach. 4th ed. (2015). Olpin, M. &
Hesson, M. Wadsworth Publishing. ISBN[10]: 1305120590; ISBN[13]: 978-1305120594
• Reset: Make the Most of Your Stress: Your 24-7 Plan for Well-being (2014). Lee, K., IUniverse Publishing. ISBN[10]: 1491747579; ISBN[13]: 978-1491747575 (Hard Cover) ASIN: B0792RYY45; ISBN[13]: 978-1491747568 (eBook)
Two texts are required for this course. Please bring both to class. Additional readings will be made available in the Course Materials on Blackboard.
Student Learning Outcomes Program Objectives:
1. Specialized Knowledge Develop increased literacy with core concepts, perspectives, findings, and trends in psychology. 2. Broad Integrated Knowledge Engage in cross-disciplinary discourse and develop foundational critical thinking skills informed by inquiry, scientific methodology, and creativity. 3. Professional Knowledge Increase intellectual capacity to understand vocationally oriented values, standards, and techniques. 4. Socially Responsive Knowledge Analyze social challenges and opportunities contextually and formulate responses that are grounded in professional values and best practices. 5. Interpersonal and Technological Communication Skills Interact with others in a positive, professional, conscientious, collaborative manner in verbal and written communications. Display information competence and become nimble in using technology for multiple purposes. 6. Personal Development Emerge with insights and strategies to develop a professional identity and meaningfully engage in occupational endeavors, personal, relationships and civic activities.
Student Objectives:
This course offers students the opportunity to engage in experiential learning to develop needed skills, competencies, and dispositions beneficial for the 21st century global market. Based on satisfactory completion of this course, a student should be able to:
• Discuss the definition of stress and apply critical thinking to identify its causes and treatments • Become familiar with seminal and contemporary research on stress, coping and resilience • Identify common stressors inherent in today’s global marketplace • Develop an understanding of the impact of stress on physiological, emotional and cognitive processes • Recognize the role of stress and coping in human wellbeing, communication, relationships, academic and
work performance • Become familiar with stress management techniques pertinent to personal and professional functioning
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• Develop increased capacity for critical thinking, self-awareness and reflection to inform methods of stress reduction and self-care
• Consider global data and intervention constructs influential towards stress and coping Course Methodology
The study of psychology provides an important context for examining and understanding human behavior. By design, the course offers students the chance to develop a host of valuable skills for today’s marketplace, including but not limited to critical thinking, scholarly writing, metacognition, professional behavior and contextual learning. This course focuses upon a global, interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, and contextual view on stress and coping. Our collective inquiry will afford students the opportunity to apply thinking across a variety of professional roles in psychology, health care, social work, education, and leadership.
PSY2230 is a course with an interactive format that relies on your willingness to participate in all activities. We will use a variety of methods to achieve course objectives including lectures, discussion, and experiential activities. The syllabus lays out an initial plan for our work; it may be revised during the course to meet students’ needs and interests. This course will take a “cocoon approach”, enabling students to learn within the context of a supportive environment. Please refer to “Statement of Teaching Philosophy” under “Faculty Profile” in BB for an understanding of my background, teaching practices and style.
Grading/Evaluation Standards
Letter Grades: Northeastern University defines letter grades with the following criteria:
= Outstanding
= Good
= Satisfactory
= Poor
Grading Standards / Assessment of Learning
Deliverables Weight
Participation (in-class and online) 30% of final grade (multiple assignments: includes discussion boards)
Grade Numerical Equivalent A 94.00 – 100.00 A – 90.00 – 93.99 B + 87.00 – 89.99 B 84.00 – 86.99 B – 80.00 – 83.99 C + 77.00 – 79.99 C 74.00 – 76.99 C – 70.00 – 73.99 D + 67.00 – 69.99 D 64.00 – 66.99 D – 60.00 – 63.99 F Below 60.00
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Week 3 Quiz 20% of final grade (one assignment)
Reflection Paper (Target Behavior Report) 20% of final grade (one assignment)
Final Portfolio 30% of final grade (one assignment)
Assignment Details:
Assignment #1 (Discussion Boards)__________ 20% See Blackboard for due dates. You will participate in a total of six (6) discussions, worth five points each. Guidance for completion will be provided via Blackboard.
Assignment #2 (Week Three Quiz)______________________ 30% Due Week 3 by Tuesday, September 17th 11:59pm via assignments link in Blackboard. The purpose of the quiz is to ensure comprehension of the materials, and give you the opportunity to critically reflect on some of our foundational course concepts. We will be covering chapters 1-4, class discussion, and materials posted within week 1 & 2 reading, listening and viewing. The quiz will consist primarily of short answers, and should be taken independently. You will follow the prompts on blackboard to complete this assignment.
Assignment #3 (Target Behavior Report / Reflection Paper) 20% Due Week 5 by Tuesday, October 1st 11:59pm via assignments link in Blackboard. You will reflect critically upon your targeted behavioral goals and individual learnings from the first half of the course. This paper will allow you to demonstrate what you have learned and applied—concerning stress management. You will follow the prompts on blackboard to complete this assignment.
Assignment #4 (Final Portfolio)__________________________ 30% Due Week 7 by Tuesday, October 22nd 11:59pm via assignments link in Blackboard. You will complete a final portfolio, documenting your stress management plan. Using the RESET and SMARTER goals frameworks discussed in class, you will have the opportunity to develop a comprehensive wellness strategy that focuses on academic, professional, and personal development. You will follow the prompts on blackboard to complete this assignment.
Assignment Expectations: