Should we put more emphasis on personal accountability in an environment that is dominated by social justice movements?

According to Creswell (2009), quantitative research is a “means for  testing objective theories by examining the relationship among variables  that can be measured and analyzed using statistical procedures.”  Qualitative research, Creswell posits, is a “means for exploring and  understanding the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to social or  human problems.”
Consider the phenomenon of pain. Ethics committees and  institutional review boards do not allow researchers to inflict equal  doses of pain on subjects to examine their physiological response. In  quantitative research, pain can be measured physiologically by blood  pressure, changes in blood chemistry, muscle contractions, and pain  scales (which are still subjective, but at least quantifiable).  Researchers using a qualitative perspective may ask participants about  their experience of being in physical pain, whether being in pain has  changed them in any way, or what they have learned from experiencing  physical pain.
For this Assignment, consider differences in how you might  frame a research question in order to explore it using quantitative or  qualitative research methods.

Submit a 2 1/2 page paper that highlights one  of the research questions you shared in your Discussion post. Design a  quantitative research question related to this problem and a qualitative  research question related to the same problem.   Below is the question you will use

Should we put more emphasis on personal accountability in an environment that is dominated by social justice movements? (based on sexual assault?)

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