Self Management Project Topic Selection

Self-Management Project Topic Selection

First, please review the description of the Week Five Self-Management Project.    You’ll want to identify a behavior in yourself that you’d like to change…this will be your target behavior.   You’ll need to describe the behavior in clear terms so that you can measure the frequency/duration/etc. of this behavior when you’re determining your baseline data.   (Remember, baseline data is data that describes those parameters of the behavior before you begin any type of intervention.   i.e. How often do you exhibit this behavior each day?)


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Write a 175-word summary on the target behavior in observable and measurable terms. Please note that this behavior must be one that you’ll exhibit multiple times per day in order to achieve the goals of the assignment.  Include the methods that will be used to observe and acquire baseline data.

Week 5 Self-management Project

Based on the approved topics you submitted to your instructor in Week 3, track baseline data over a 3-day period, using the Baseline Data Worksheet. (You likely finished this in Week Four.) Considering the behavior that you would like to change in yourself, please compose an intervention plan to accomplish this change.

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper discussing the following topics:

Describe the target behavior. (This is the behavior you wish to change.) Outline the dimensions of measurement/baseline measurement. (How will you/did you set the parameters to measure the behavior prior to beginning your intervention?) Describe the function of the baseline behavior. (What need is this behavior serving for you? Could this need be altered or met in a different way?) Define the goals of the behavioral change. (What do you hope to accomplish after your intervention?)

Propose a Behavior Intervention Plan based on goals.

2 antecedent changes (minimum).

4 consequence modifications (1 of each type).

Describe any potential barriers to treatment, and how you would overcome these barriers. Describe the expected outcome if the behavior intervention plan was implemented and followed.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines; please be sure to use concepts and terminology from our text to address each topic. (This means you’ll need to list and cite our text as a reference.)