see question below 51

Locate 2 peer-reviewed articles no older than 5 years that discuss 2 historical Supreme Court cases and review the presentation titled: Courts (Part 1)This historical case-law can be related to: search and seizure, stop and frisk, searches for evidence, or police interrogation and confessions. Provide an in-depth discussion of the findings of each article. With respect to the specific case law you have analyzed, defend constitutional democracy and the issues raised in case-law from a Christian worldview.

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Summarize each article

Present a discussion about major arguments and the intent of each article

Discuss strengths and weaknesses for each article (What does the article discuss well, what is unclear or what does the author fail to address?)

Provide a single critical summary as to the overall effectiveness of the articles

Include a personal reflection that addresses the main objections of the paper: writing in the 1st/2nd person is not necessary even when providing your opinion.

Support your position and tie in a discussion about challenges associated with organizations that are corrupt with racism and discrimination from Christian and biblical worldview.


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