Research proposal and annotated bibliography

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Time is come to do the research paper as informed you before, so please read the instruction carefully, and do it according to the due date.

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Research Paper (8-10 pages)

Due Date: Mon., April 16.

Write a research paper based on the attached the attached file “Research proposal and annotated bibliography” and please follow the below instruction:

The Task: You will research and write a thesis-drivenevidence-based 8-10-page academic research paper. Thesis-driven means you are building an argument throughout the paper. Evidence-based means the argument must be based on the material from your sources, NOT simply from your opinions.

This paper should incorporate all of the skill-building exercises that we’ve been practicing from the beginning of the course. This includes summary, analysis, synthesis, composing effective thesis statements, citing sources effectively, paraphrasing well, and constructing good sentences and paragraphs.

This paper will utilize the sources identified in your annotated bibliography, along with a few others. You must use at least six sources, though more is preferable. I encourage you to use academic books and academic articles (found in USF’s on-line databases.) If you use articles or essays found online, they MUST have an author listed, and they MUST be scholarly, i.e. written by experts in that field.

Length & Format8- 10 pages in the MLA format; 1-inch margins; 12-point New Times Roman font. You must include a Works Cited (Bibliography) page, and it must follow MLA format. (NOTE: This is not an annotated bibliography; just the citations themselves.)

If you are unsure about MLA form, please consult the OWL MLA page at Purdue University: