Request for a Work Schedule Change

Essay 3 – Request for a Work Schedule Change

The authors of this proposal memo Amy Baskin and Heather Fawcett begin immediately in the memo by defining the request and providing an introduction of the employee which serves as the thesis of this memo. This sets the tone for the memo and ensures the reader John Doe understands the request fully while reading through the supporting information. The solution includes how it would work for her family indicating her daughter’s medical appointments and how it would impact her production by including the phrase “I believe that, with this earlier schedule, I would be able to improve my written output by at least a third. She also provides the “why” behind the consideration such as her length of employment, reliability, and self-discipline. This helps to anticipate any objections or dismiss any doubts for her request. By providing follow up information she organizes all of the information starting from the request, to the benefits, any objections, and ongoing concerns.

The essay that is most effective would be Essay 2 “An Open Letter to the Community” because of the word choice and strength of the thesis statement. Gibor Basri is very clear about the expectations of the University as well as provides concrete examples of how the issue will be combated. He appeals to the students by providing the detriments of their actions and ongoing plans to stop the issues from occurring again in the future.

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