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Anganatte Nicole 

SundayDec 17 at 9:49pm

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Useful Database Search Engine

     In my exploration of the psychiatric-primary care nurse practitioner model, I chose to explore the article authored by Dyer, J. G., Hammill, K., Regan-Kubinski, M. J., Yurick, A., & Kobert, S. (1997), titled “The psychiatric-primary care nurse practitioner: a futuristic model for advanced practice psychiatric-mental health nursing,” published in the Archives of Psychiatric Nursing. I accessed this article through PubMed, a comprehensive biomedical database widely recognized for its extensive coverage of scholarly literature in health and medicine.

     While searching for this article, I did not encounter any specific difficulties. However, the challenge could arise in refining search terms to pinpoint the desired topic, given the vastness of the PubMed database and the need for relevant keywords.

     PubMed would benefit my colleagues, especially those in the nursing and mental health sectors. Its comprehensive coverage allows healthcare professionals to access articles related to psychiatric-mental health nursing, fostering evidence-based practice and supporting ongoing research initiatives.

     I wholeheartedly recommend PubMed to colleagues due to its user-friendly interface, extensive coverage, and esteemed reputation within the academic and healthcare communities. It is a valuable resource for staying abreast of the latest research developments and evidence-based practices in nursing and related fields.


Dyer, J. G., Hammill, K., Regan-Kubinski, M. J., Yurick, A., & Kobert, S. (1997). The psychiatric-primary care nurse practitioner: A futuristic model for advanced practice psychiatric-mental health nursing. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 11(1), 2–12.

Al-Jundi, A., & Sakka, S. (2017). Critical appraisal of clinical research. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research: JCDR, 11(5), JE01–JE05.

Shellenbarger, T. (2016). Simplifying synthesis. Nurse Author & Editor, 26(3). Retrieved from

Walden University Library. (n.d.). Databases A-Z: Nursing. Retrieved October 4, 2019, from

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ReplyReply to Module 3: Discussion

  • Collapse SubdiscussionArthur None RandleArthur None RandleDec 12, 2023Dec 12 at 6:18pmManage Discussion EntryDiscussion: Module3Discussion: Module3To become a scholarly writer, one must learn to discern the differences between reliable resources and those with little credibility when gathering research, Approach each source with the mindset of needing a second opinion rather than relying on one or two journals for answers (Walden, 2019).The Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) is an excellent source of academic literature. This database can provide for a wide range of nursing topics and keeps the researcher informed of current changes and new ideas in the nursing field (Walden, 2019). I found no difficulties in finding information on nursing topics.The psychiatric nursing environment is forever changing; in this field, patients and their needs are becoming more complex. The family needs must be addressed and are just as important when determining and customizing treatment plans. Colleagues have had no difficulties using this database and I highly recommend it to to colleagues.When there is a need to explore many journals on any nursing topic, CINAHL’s database has over 1200 journals with references (EBSCO.n.d). This database is highly reliable. When I was in nursing school, it served as a great tool in completing waiting assignments. Walden University Library. (n.d.). Instructional media: Fundamentals of library research links to an external site. Retrieved October 4, 2019 from to an external site.Walden University Library. (n.d.). Databases A-Z: Nursing Links to an external site. Retrieved October 4, 2019 from to an external site.

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YesterdayDec 13 at 12:54am

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Voter’s Choice

As a legislator, your position and continued position as such, depends on the votes of the American people. A legislator must please the people when creating policies in order to be considered for re-election. These decisions consist of but not limited to, “creating laws, making decisions on war, and taking control of taxes” (Branches of Government |, n.d.). When the president proposes a new law, the legislators must consider the votes of the American people. Even if the legislator personally agrees with the proposed law, how the American people feel outweighs the personal feelings of the legislator. For example, Donald Trump attempted to amend the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in many ways, including “reducing outreach and opportunities for enrollment in the ACA’s insurance exchanges, and discouraging legal aliens from enrolling in Medicaid” (Thompson, 2020). While there could be benefits to this, the legislators agreed that the risks outweighed the benefits, and that the new policy by Trump was a bad decision. Due to the bad decision, legislators couldn’t afford to not be re-elected.

The Customer is Always Right

It seems as if the majority of the colleagues in this course are from Alabama, and everyone knows football is a big deal in Alabama. So, think of it from a sports analogy. The football players are part of the team, but so is the head coach. If the quarterback (president) is constructing plays (policies) that are costing the team a victory (cost efficient lifestyle) and jeopardizing the support from the fans (American people), then the coach (legislators) must decide—do we reject these plays (policies) or do we allow these plays to pass and risk not being re-elected (fired as the coach). Many people were against the idea to replace the ACA due to “premium costs, and it being non-beneficial to individuals with pre-existing conditions” (Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 2021).

So due to these factors, the legislators will listen to the American people, abide by the votes of the people, and either reject or pass policies based on the votes of the American people. If the American people are happy, they will continue to vote for the legislators to be re-elected.




ACA survives legal challenge, protecting coverage for tens of millions. (2021). Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. to an external site.



Branches of Government | (n.d.).,controls%20taxing%20and%20spending%20policiesLinks to an external site..



Thomson, F. (2022, March 9). Six ways Trump has sabotaged the Affordable Care Act | Brookings.. Brookings. to an external site.

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ReplyReply to Week 3: Discussion

  • Collapse SubdiscussionHillary St JamesHillary St JamesMondayDec 11 at 7:18pmManage Discussion EntryInitial PostHow does the cost-benefit analysis in terms of Legislator being re-elected affect efforts to repeal/replace the ACAIt is a common assumption that a politician’s role is to promote and uphold the public good through representing the people, however, that is not always what happens. In fact, the good of the country is secondary to a politician’s main goal, which is re-election or to stay in power (Feldstein, 2006). With the knowledge that a legislator is functioning under the constant question of re-election it is no wonder that their actions are not always aligned with what is best for society at large. Instead, legislators are frequently pandering to different interest groups in the hope of garnering support for their re-election efforts, whether in terms of endorsement or financial backing. I like how it is said in the book, Health Policy and Politics, “In a world where re-election is a key consideration and media are a relentless presence, [the cost-benefit analysis] means the best solution may not ultimately be the path chosen” (Milstead & Short, 2019, p51). It is arguable whether most politicians care about what is best for this country or their constituents but regardless of what they want politicians must consider what is best for their re-election. In most cases what is best for re-election is public opinion and financing to go towards improving public opinion. As a result, politicians must consider the desires of their campaign contributors.In relation to the Affordable Care Act the cost-benefit analysis of the legislators has changed over time. It has been widely speculated that the initial overwhelming push back on the affordable care act by republican legislators had more to do with opposing democrats and specifically President Obama then any real distain for the bill itself. However, in the years immediately following the ACA being passed a combination of factors lead to republican legislators presenting as anti-ACA. These factors include public opinion on the affordable care act, lobbyists spending or withholding funds and the encroachment of other political topics on the public radar. In the first few years after the affordable care act was passed the Koch brothers spent over $400 Million dollars in television advertisements attacking the bill (Benen, 2013). According to a study done on the opposition of the affordable care act in 2015, these advertisements had a major impact on Americans views of the ACA and with more than “60% of Americans stating that most of what they know about the ACA came from TV” it’s not hard to see why it would have such an effect (Dalen, Waterbrook & Alpert, 2015). With the Affordable Care act incredibly unpopular with the American people during the elections following its enactment it was in the Republican legislator’s best interest to also oppose the act. However, over the last decade public opinion has changed and a recent KFF poll showed that over 60% of the American public now has favorable feelings about the affordable care act (KFF, 2023). Public opinion was greatly influenced by the advertising campaigns paid for by lobbyist groups like the National Federation of independent Businesses and those of the Koch brothers; Americans for Prosperity and Freedom Partners. These groups also donate to legislators whose actions align with the group’s goals. In 2012, the National Federation of independent Businesses sued against the Affordable Care Act citing a violation of the constitution (McFadden, 2021). Powerful groups took an anti-ACA stance and legislators did not want to risk opposing said groups, which might have resulted in loss of funding. As the first suit against the affordable care act and then the second was struck down by the supreme court the pressure changed from repeal to replace. However, this too came with another cost-benefit analysis road bump for Republican legislators as the Koch brothers’ groups, Americans for Prosperity and Freedom Partners also opposed the Republican backed Americans Health Care Act going as far as to offer money to republican legislators who would go against their party on the vote (McFadden, 2021). This was a contributing factor to why the American Health Care Act was not passed. But the ultimate blow came from Sen. John McCain who cast the deciding vote against the bill. Sen. McCain had a history of supporting healthcare reform that ran in contrary to his fellow republicans, although he strongly disagreed with the ACA, in the end he voted with his convictions against the AHCA (Huetteman, 2018). Many have questioned his actions and I wonder in the context of cost-benefit analysis if he found the cost to compromise his morals and the standards to which he held his party too high. That in combination with the fact that he was not running for re-election may have had a significant influence on his cost-benefit analysis for his vote.How does voter analysis affect legislators recommending national policyVoter analysis can take on a couple different meanings. The media most frequently uses polls and surveys that look at who people are most likely to vote for in an upcoming election. Other ways to conduct voter analysis consist of surveys or polls on topics or on demographics. Polling is an expansive industry and not all polls are created equal, with barriers to polling practically nonexistent due to access to technology and the ability for anyone to publish polls with enough money, it is increasingly important to identify polls that consider representation, sample size, methods, and approaches (Kennedy, 2020). One type of voter analysis that affects legislators recommending national policy is the analysis of topics or issues, such as the KFF poll in relation to the public opinion of the Affordable Care Act, mentioned above. Another type of voter analysis that might affect legislators recommending national policy is the analysis of who votes in each district by demographic because legislators will be concerned with pleasing their constituents, not the country at large. Lovett (2022) identifies three main motivations for voters; group identity, issues, and expected performance of each candidate. Knowing these factors for the population in each voting district can affect how legislators vote as they strive to remain in office. Votes are contingency shapes behaviors for the general public and the legislators, however, only the legislators’ votes are public and have direct consequences on their jobs (Scibak, 2023). It is the role of the legislators to have influence in the government, make good public policy and get re-elected to accomplish these tasks they must be attuned to the voters, this can be accomplished in part through voter analysis.ReferencesBenen, S. (2013). Explaining healthcare to the Koch brothers. NBC News. Explaining health care to the Koch brothers ( to an external site.Dalen, J. E., Waterbrook, K., & Alpert, J. S. (2015). Why do so many Americans oppose the Affordable Care Act?. The American journal of medicine, 128(8), 807–810. to an external site.Feldstein, P. (2006). The politics of health legislation: An economic perspective (3rd ed.) Chicago, Il: Health Administration Press.Huetteman, E. (2018, August 26). McCain’s complicated health care legacy: He hated the ACA he also saved it. PBS News Hour., C. (2020, August 5). Key things to know about election polling in the United States. Pew Research Center. (2023). KFF Health tracking poll: The public’s views on the ACA. KFF. KFF Health Tracking Poll: The Public’s Views on the ACA | KFFLinks to an external site.Lovett, A. (2022, March 28). Voter motivation. Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy. Vol 22 No 3 (2022): Volume XXI, issue 3. to an external site.McFadden, A. (2021, June 23). The long, costly battle over Obamacare might be over. OpenSecrets. to an external site.Milstead, J. A., & Short, N. M. (2019). Health policy and politics: A nurse’s guide (6th ed., pp51). Jones & Bartlett Learning.Scibal, J.W. (2023, November 20). An Analysis of voting and legislative behavior. Behavioral Analysis in Practice.

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Instructions for Responses to Classmates Posts

After you have created your initial post, look over the discussion posts of your classmates and give at least three responses to different classmates (one per classmate) as outlined in the Discussion Grading Rubric.

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A response posting should be a minimum of one short paragraph. Word totals for these posts should be in the 75150-word range.  The goal of your response posts is to extend discussions already taking place or pose new possibilities or ideas not previously voiced.  Your goal should be to motivate the group discussion and present a creative approach to the topic.  Do not merely agree or disagree, repeating what a classmate stated or what you have already stated.  Explain the why or how with supporting evidence and concepts from the course material.  Include in-text citations and associated reference within a reference list.


Self-plagiarism is the act of reusing significant, identical, or nearly identical portions of one’s own work.  You cannot re-use any portion of a paper or other graded work that was submitted to another class even if you are retaking this course.  You also will not reuse any portion of previously submitted work in this class.  A zero will be assigned to the assignment if self-plagiarized.  Faculty do not have the discretion to accept self-plagiarized work.


Happy Go Puppies,  a pet services company, has a mission statement that reads, “To provide exceptional in-home pet care.” The mission statement is clear; they want to provide exceptional care for pets.  It describes what the company needs to do now to achieve its vision.  According to Lumen Learing, the vision statement describes the future state of the company, and the mission statement describes what the company needs to do in the present to achieve that vision (Lumen Learning, Planning and Mission, n.d). Their vision statement, “We strive to provide peace of mind for pet parents by providing exceptional care for your pets,” describes their future goal. The objective is to achieve peace of mind for their clients. To obtain the vision, they need to deliver on the expectation and promise of their mission statement, providing exceptional pet care. According to Lumen Learning, a vision statement describes the value the company offers and inspires others to be a part of it (Lumen Learning, Planning and Mission, n.d).  Happy Go Puppies vision statement touts peace of mind, which intends to encourage its customers to use the service.

A strategy is a plan to organize people, processes, and resources to achieve the long term vision of an organization.  A plan includes the steps needed to execute the strategy.  According to Lumen Learning, a strategy is a comprehensive plan to achieve goals (Lumen Learning, Environments and Strategic Management, n.d).

Goals and Objectives are used to position employees’ performance to support a strategic plan.  They are the stepping stones to achieve a larger goal. In a previous job, customer satisfaction tied into the strategic plan for the company as a whole. In my department, data showed that when an IT team achieved X, it had a direct correlation to higher customer satisfaction.  Influenced by the data,  operational goals were created for each team member so they could achieve X which would contribute to the success of the company has a whole.


Lumen Learning. (n.d.). Principles of Management.  Planning and Mission.  Available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Lumen Learning. (n.d.). Principles of Management.  Environments and Strategic Management.  Available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.