Racial profiling, police shootings and mass incarceration

  1. Choose one of these social problems (racial profiling, police shootings, mass incarceration, drugs, gun
    violence, global capitalist system, extreme poverty, unemployment, low-wage jobs, inequality in education,
    the wage gap,racism, etc )
  2. Gather information. Make some observations. Look at social research data.
  3. Analyze the problem. Choose three or four examples from your observations and data to analyze. First,
    analyze how the problem is defined. Second, analyze how social structures or conditions in society create
    the problem. How does the definition of the problem reflect and reinforce the social structure (e.g., class,
    race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, disability, global inequality, immigrant status, age)?
    What is the system that shapes the problem? (e.g. capitalism, class inequality, race or white supremacy,
    colonialism, neocolonialism, gender or patriarchy, homophobia or heterosexism, disability or ableism)?
    4.Write the description of the problems and research methods. Describe your topic and research methods,
    including observations, data and sources used.

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