Prompt: Compose an argument essay that summarizes and explains the major concepts of Robert Holden and Brene Brown, and that asserts an argument framed by Holden’s ideas from his book Loveability as well as Brene Brown’s ideas on Vulnerability, Shame, Guilt etc. NOTE: This should be an argument-based paper that explores a significant idea from our readings this semester.


  • The Term Paper should be in MLA Format,
  • 12 point font Times New Roman,
  • 7-10 pages  of writing/content in addition to other elements, each appearing on its own page, with every source cited at least 1 time in the paper.
  • Edited to address spelling, punctuation, comma usage, sentence types usage
  • You will be graded heavily on:
    • Complete introduction with highlighted thesis statement
    • Complete conclusion with highlighted “so what” statement
    • Individual Topic Sentences of assertion
    • Signal Phrases introducing paraphrases and quotations
    • Expertise contextualization of your sources
    • Inclusion of brief summaries to introduce research sources
    • use of at least 5 quotes from 5 different sources
    • Make sure 1 of your sources is a scholarly article you’ve found on your own
    • Integrating quotations (good commentary and well-rounded, fully explained paragraphs)


  1. Reflection on the Composition Process (1-2 paragraphs, typed) 
  2. 7-10 pages of typed, double-spaced writing in MLA format
  3. Works Cited page of the sources cited in your paper (5-10 sources with a blend of Holden, Brene Brown, other Ted Talks, and other sources found through the Databases) — You’re required to use Holden heavily along with Brene Brown). HOW (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 


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Prompt: Compose an argument essay that summarizes and explains the major concepts of Robert Holden and Brene Brown, and that asserts an argument framed by Holden’s ideas from his book Loveability as well as Brene Brown’s ideas on Vulnerability, Shame, Guilt etc. NOTE:  This should be an argument-based paper that explores a significant idea from our readings this semester. 

Possible Focus Areas/Research Questions (REMEMBER– you should use a paper you’ve already written and drafted this semester (or two) and combine/expand based on your research question).

  • How are relationships impacted by Holden’s concept of “fear” and Brown’s concept of “Shame” and “Guilt”?
  • What is the importance of “self-love” and how can developing “self-love” (Holden) lead us to a life of “wholeheartedness”? (Brown)
  • In what ways do “childhood messages” (Holden) impact our feelings of “guilt” and “shame” as we get older?(Brown)
  • How can living a life in “love” instead of “fear” (Holden) help drug and alcohol addicts find a life of “vulnerability” and “wholeheartedness”?