Professional Resume

Week 1 Discussion 1

Initial Call Case 18 You Decide: The Case of Julia

My name is Julia, and I am 17-year-old college freshman. Growing up with busy parents makes you emotionally independent, and you lose the connection with them. Although my entire family gets along well, we are not close that much. It feels awkward to show love or hug, especially when we have to hug our grandparents on holidays.

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My parent always makes time for my track and soccer games, even though they have busy work schedules. My mother has always tried to keep up. She always wants me to do my best both in my class and infield. She always expects the best, and she would get worried if I did not work to my full potential. The schoolwork, cross-country teams, and track were very important to my parents and me. They always wanted me to be athletic, but because of my weight, I was never that good at sports.

When I was a kid, I was a little bit chubby and used to get teased by people about my weight. To lose my extra weight, I always found running a good way. I always gave so much time to studies and running and did not focus on anything else. I never hung out with a boy as my parents did not like it. I used to hang out with my girlfriends only, and my parents would call every hour to check on me, which was very annoying. In my first year at college, I was awarded a scholar-athlete full scholarship. Since this scholarship was due to my running and grades, I was feeling much more pressure than before. This pressure led me to do dieting.

When I looked at the other teammates, I realized for them, it was not a big deal, but for me, it was a big deal. Being out of shape felt awful, and I was running and exercising all the time. I was once dropped out of a few races because I could not catch my breath. My coach was disappointed and wanted me to cut off my sweets and snacks and should switch to the salad that would help me to reduce some extra weight. I spent so much time running that it improved my running time. I got used to dieting and running, and my coach was happy about it. I did not feel like a stranger in my team like before.

Although my body was in shape, I set a new weight goal. To reach that goal, I hit the gym and skipped breakfast. My mother was worried about my health because, according to her and other people around me, I was too skinny. But I was not sure, and I still felt chubby. I was still running, and I was still on dieting. I did not want anyone to laugh at my body, and I was nervous, so I did not stop it. I was focusing on losing weight so much that I overlooked my schoolwork. It was becoming difficult for me to study after an exhausting day. With time, I ignored everyone, and I studied nonstop.

I was scared that I would affect my running schedule and I would gain weight again. Because the cross-country team was over, my workout and practice had become less intense. We were supposed to work out by ourselves instead of practicing with the team. This was additional pressure for me, and I was tensed that I would gain weight again. Now, I was eating less and studying more, and it worked for me.

But my mother was continuously intervening, and she was asking me to go to a doctor. She would call my roommate and dean of student life, and my coach. My coach and dean of student life suggested that I should go to the health center for my evaluation. Everyone faces troubles in the initial stages of college life, and I believe I had a rough semester. I become anxious and feel depressed about my body. I am doing fine now, and I am trying to take care of myself. Mocking me for my body is the worst thing, and I do not want anyone to snicker just like my friends used to do in high school. I am always nervous about my grades and weight, and I cannot do anything about it.


Gorenstein, E., & Comer, J. (2015). Case studies in abnormal psychology (2nd ed.). New York,

NY: Worth Publishers. ISBN: 9780716772736.