Presentation Of Assessment Plan

Presentation of Assessment Plan

Assessment and Evaluation of Learning Plan

What can you accomplish with your new knowledge of assessment and evaluation in higher education?

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to utilize your knowledge of assessment and evaluation in a position in higher or adult education, either now or in the future. Those who can plan and implement assessment effectively are in demand, for assessment is necessary to establish accountability and to generate improvement in education. Accordingly, your course project is to consist of two components. The first is a real-world, on-the-job presentation of a practical plan that you are encouraged to propose for implementation either in your current position or in the future. The second component of your course project is a paper that explains your rationale for the decisions you made as you designed your plan.

For the presentation of your Assessment and Evaluation of Learning Plan, convert the plan, compiled from your Unit 6 and Unit 8 assignments and Units 8 and 9 discussions, into a PowerPoint or a Kaltura presentation. Create the presentation for a specific audience, such as a committee, an advisory board or a board of directors, or staff or faculty attending a department meeting. Be sure to follow the instructions for constructing the presentation carefully, for this is to be a professional presentation.

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In the second component of your course project, the Rationale Paper, you will explain and support the decisions you made for your Assessment and Evaluation of Learning Plan. This Rationale Paper should begin with an introduction that explains the meaning and value of assessment, examines common misconceptions about assessment, and presents strategies for engaging faculty or staff members in assessment efforts. You will use your Unit 3 assignment to create the content of this introduction. The remaining sections of the paper will align with the sections of the Assessment and Evaluation of Learning Plan, providing a rationale for what you propose in each section of your plan. Remember that the purpose of presenting your plan is to convince the decision-makers in your audience to consider implementing your plan. Both components of your course project are to be well supported by the required course readings, because when we develop assessment, we establish our credibility by using and citing authoritative sources.


Submit the following as your course project:

Component 1: Presentation of Assessment and Evaluation of Learning Plan

Create slides to present the content below. You have already developed most content throughout this course; be sure to incorporate instructor feedback on previous assignments as you make needed revisions and convert the content to PowerPoint slides. Include talking points, either by posting them in the comments section under each slide OR by recording them directly on the slides, to represent what you will be speaking during the presentation. Use a format appropriate for a PowerPoint presentation (see the Resources) as you develop the following content:

  • An introduction of the program, course, department, or experience for which you are proposing this assessment plan. The introduction is also to present an explanation of the Assessment and Evaluation Cycle for your plan to assess learning outcomes.
  • The learning goals that students or trainees are to achieve.
  • The means of measuring achievement of the goals (assessment instruments, each of which is clearly related to the respective goals that they are intended to measure).
  • The standards and/or targets used to define successful achievement.
  • The internal and external stakeholders and their roles in the assessment effort.
  • The steps needed to plan and develop the assessment effort before its actual implementation (the action plan).
  • Proposed strategies to disseminate the results of the assessment.
  • The connection of the assessment effort to the effectiveness of the program, department, or institution and its applicability to accreditation.
  • Proposed strategies to use the results of the assessment to create improvements.
  • Proposed strategies to build a culture of assessment.
  • References used and cited in the presentation. Please note: List only references which were cited in the presentation, either on the slides or in the talking points.
Component 2: Rationale Paper

The paper, the second of the two major components of your course project, is to include the sections below. You have already developed most of the content throughout the units of this course. Your explanations must be well supported by the required course readings, because when we develop assessment, we establish our credibility by using and citing authoritative sources.

  • Title page. For a refresher on how to format the title page, if needed, refer to the APA Style and Format Campus page (linked in the Resources).
  • Table of Contents.
  • An introduction that explains the meaning and value of assessment, examines common misconceptions about assessment, and presents strategies for engaging faculty or staff members in assessment efforts. (Use your Unit 3 assignment as the basis for the content of this introduction.)
  • The remaining sections of the paper are to use the same headings as you used for the sections of your presentation of your Assessment and Evaluation of Learning Plan. Each section is to provide a rationale for what you propose in each section of your plan.
  • References used and cited in the paper (minimum of six sources). Please note: List only references that were cited in the presentation, either on the slides or in the talking points.

Review both components of your course project for writing and APA formatting errors prior to submission. Errors should not appear in graduate-level assignments. Moreover, be sure to review the instructions and scoring guide to self-assess your work prior to submission.

Note: Your instructor may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click the linked resources for helpful writing information.

Submission Requirements

Your final assignment is to meet the following requirements:

  • PowerPoint presentation:Effectively designed slides to present the components of the Assessment and Evaluation of Learning Plan. Refer to Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations (provided in the Resources) for best practices.
  • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
  • Length:
    • Presentation: 12–15 slides, each with talking points suitable for an audience during a live presentation, and an additional slide containing references. Handouts are optional.
    • Rationale paper: 7–10 pages.
  • Font and font size:
    • Presentation: Appropriate for a PowerPoint presentation to the intended audience.
    • Rationale paper: Times New Roman, 12 points.Running head: STAKEHOLDERS AND ACTION PLAN 1














      Stakeholders and Action Plan

      Student’s name









      Stakeholders and Action Plan

      Stakeholders are people involved in the assessment process, and this case, they could be involved in the testing process, test-takers, admission process, administrations, guiding, as well as learning. During the assessment, the stakeholders are divided into two, and that is internal and external. External stakeholders are those that work outside the firm, while internal are those found within the firm.

      Internal stakeholders

      Internal stakeholders mean those people working or directly involved in the assessment within the institution. The assessment mainly deals with admission at Strayer University, and therefore, those working in the institution, and are facilitating admission. Some of the internal stakeholders involved in the assessment include institution management, learners, and teachers. The management assesses if all activities carried out according to the plans while evaluating the success of the program. Besides, the administration play critical role since it does not only support but also deal with challenges that are likely to affect the process (Suskie, 2014).

      Additionally, during the assessment, the learners are also involved. The learners’ performance in their studies and behavioral conduct is used to gauge the level of assessment success. Teachers, on the other hand, play a vital role in assessment since they engage and looks at their progress in terms of influencing a difference towards the students. Therefore, the teachers at Stayer University conducts an assessment, and they use different strategies as well as processes for the evaluation. It’s upon the teachers to assess the learning goals, and this involves assessing if the students understand the school culture in terms of rules & regulations as well as relating with other students and teachers. The teachers need to assess if the admission was successful, and every admitted student is free from problems that come along when one is in a new environment.


      Apart from internal stakeholders, there are also external stakeholders involved in the assessment and evaluation plan. Some of the external stakeholders include curriculum assessment administrators. Curriculum assessment administrator is in charge of developing as well as improving school curriculum via the several assessments. An assessment administrator normally has experience in classroom teaching and working as an education administrator of a specific region. Therefore, the assessment administrator assesses the enrollment of the learners was conducted in the university and services delivered during the entire admission. In this case, he or she does not only focus on the work of the teachers or staff involved but also the role played by the institution management in the entire process.

      The assessment administrator focuses on improving the learning outcome, or the intended goal of the activity carried out by the school. In this, the intended outcome was to have a smooth enrollment of the students and ensure they are free from issues that could affect their relationship with the new environment. In most cases, the administrator already represents the curriculum assessment administrator works on behalf of the government, which acts as the external stakeholder. During the assessment, the administrator looks if the school or the institution utilized the outlined or specified way of enrolling the students. During the evaluation, both internal and external stakeholders must assess the risk of students dropping out after admission, and this will be achievable by looking at the self-concept and personality in general.

      Rationale for stakeholders

      The stakeholders play a vital role in the assessment process. Therefore all the involved stakeholders are included in the assessment process the criteria for selecting the stakeholders is by checking which people are directly affected by the activity carried out. Students, for instance, are the primary stakeholders since they are the ones admitted to the university. The curriculum assessment administrator, on the other hand, as external stakeholders are the only person who can confirm if indeed the institution is adhering to the standards set by the ministry of education in the country.

      Action Plan to Guide Implementation

      After identifying the stakeholders, it is critical to understand the steps that are followed during the assessment. Assessment is a continuous process, and it involves moving from one point to the other and a constant cycle of improvement. Therefore, it commences with identifying a conceptualization of the intended goal or objective. The individual or party carrying out the assessment must set their goal they wish to achieve before implementing the assessment (Braskamp & Engberg, 2014). The next activity or step is describing how the outcomes will be measured and assessed. The team or the person identifies the means of gauging the findings, and check if they have been achieved according to the plans or not. The next step will be description of the results obtained from the measures (Suskie, 2015). At this step, the party involved in the assessment needs to identify the best way of looking at the data obtained and identify the results that indicate the success of the assessment. Apart from that, the team must also describe how the results validate the practices carried out or point to the changes required to improve student learning.

      The team involved need to ask themselves what they want the students to know during the admission process and the next is how to identify the students are achieving the projected learning outcome. Before the implementation of the assessment, there is a need to develop a proper structure to guarantee the self-sustaining process (Missouri State, 2019).

      “Rationale for Action Plan,”

      The rationale for guiding the action plan is simply driven by the intended goal and the type of assessment. The steps address explicitly specific activity carried out by the individual or the team. The steps must be promising to address the intended goal, and the results need to be measured and analyzed.

      Closing loop

      The above assessment plan is quite effective since it looks it gives priority to the learning goal of the admission process. The stakeholders involved, therefore, need to keep on reexamining the end goal or intended objective admission. Assessment must consequently focus on measuring the learners learning outcomes after they enroll in the school program. Gathering of data is essential since it helps the assessment team to make meaning out of the obtained data. As a result, after the implementation of the assessment, the institution will be able to identify if the students admitted have accomplished or learned the intended goal.








      Suskie, L. (2014, March 17). What is good assessment? A second look [PDF]. Retrieved from

      Suskie, L. (2015, March 23). Setting meaningful benchmarks or standards [Blog post]. Retrieved from

      Braskamp, L. A., & Engberg, M. E. (2014). Guidelines for judging the effectiveness of assessing student learning [PDF]. Retrieved from

      Missouri State. (2019). The Assessment Process. Retrieved from