Power Plays and the Abuse of Power in Health Care Organizations

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Week 5 Discussion

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“Power Plays and the Abuse of Power in Health Care Organizations” Please respond to the following:

  • Suggest the major issues that you believe are the basis for most of the organizational power struggles within health care facilities. Propose a method that a health care facility could use to alleviate power imbalances within the organization.
  • Assess the importance of preventing power abuse within health care organizations. Propose two (2) effective negotiation approaches that the leadership within a health care organization could use to move situations involving power abuse to a productive conclusion. Justify your response.


Kelly Berry:

HSA501 Week 5 Discussion

Power Plays and the Abuse of Power in Health Care Organizations” Please respond to the following:

Suggest the major issues that you believe are the basis for most of the organizational power struggles within health care facilities. Propose a method that a health care facility could use to alleviate power imbalances within the organization.

I feel that the major issues that are the basis for most of the organizational power struggles within health care facilities are based in communication breakdowns. I think that different are within health care facilities have different ideas of what is most important and shoot for those goals. For example, physicians are most worried about patients and not costs. Hospital administrators are more focused on profits and costs and saving money. If a facility does not do a good job of conveying their goals company-wide, everyone will not be on the same page. It is most important however, to help all the departments see how the goals are beneficial to their needs and will fit within their own departmental goals. These both need to work together. One idea is to have a meeting of the minds so to speak, by bringing together the department heads to have a facility-wide meeting to bring everyone’s goals and ideas together.

Assess the importance of preventing power abuse within health care organizations. Propose two (2) effective negotiation approaches that the leadership within a health care organization could use to move situations involving power abuse to a productive conclusion. Justify your response.

It is important to prevent power abuse within health care organizations. You should want each team member to have just a successful career as you do. Power abuse is defined as using power in ways that a not generally not acceptable, that involve self-interest and not in the best interest of the organization. There are two main ways that abuse of power are seen, through personal ends at the expense of employees, shareholders or customers; or at the expense of the organizations. These abuses cause loss of trust be employees towards management (Newman & Grigg, 2008). Some ways to reduce abuse of power are structuring communication networks to create greater transparency; and having effective ethics programs and call in lines available to report ethics concerns.

Newman, J., & Grigg, D. (2008, March 19). Company suffers when leaders abuse pow