Power in Organizations Paper / Portfolio Milestone


As you have read in this week’s required readings, there are three fundamental sources of power (or five when you look at expert and referent power) in any organization. Choose an organization you have worked for or researched and analyze the forms of power.

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  • Which of the sources of power is officially recognized by senior leadership?
  • What are the reasons for the dominance of this form of power in your organization?
  • Would a different form of power be more effective? Defend your choice.

Paper Requirements:

  • Your paper should include an introduction and a conclusion and should be 4-5 pages long, not including the title or reference pages, which you must include.
  • Incorporate two scholarly references that are not required readings for this module. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find your sources.

Portfolio Milestone:

This week you will choose two leaders and complete a preliminary leadership analysis of them. If you have not already done so, now would be a very good time to review the complete Portfolio Project description, available on the Week 8 Assignments page. Also, review the grading rubric.

Choose one of the following two options for your Portfolio Project. Do not do both options. Identify your option choice in the title of your proposal submission.

Choose the two leaders you are going to use for your portfolio project. In a one-page paper, provide your instructor with a brief history of each leader to make sure they are acceptable for the project. You must identify both leaders and organizations, and provide a URL to the website of either the leaders or the organizations.

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Power in Organizations Paper / Portfolio Milestone was first posted on November 8, 2020 at 7:35 am.
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