Planning A Network Topology

Draw a network. Demonstrate your current knowledge of networking as compared to the knowledge at the beginning of Networking I. 

Scenario: The Smallish Company has a 20-30 people in each of three networks and a separate network for the IT servers and services needing 6 nodes. Additionally the southern branch office has 14 employees and there needs to be a dialup connection to the home office.  

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All offices need internet connections.

All network services should be as automated as possible.

Choose a topology.

Choose a Network OS.

Choose a Network Addressing Scheme

The network should be labeled with Servers, IP Addresses.

Determine what you might do to secure the network.

Create a plan/proposal to meet the Smallish Company’s needs.

Draw the topology using Smartdraw, Visio, Paint, or any other type of graphic utility that you have.  Be creative!