personal narrative essay describing what you hope to gain from your college experience.

Question description

.rite a 500 word personal narrative essay describing what you hope to gain from your college experience. You may include details about what you have learned and what you hope to learn in college that will help you to achieve your career goals.

Please note: The goal of narration is to tell a story. For this assignment, I am asking that you narrate your “story” of your college experience and what you hope will happen because of this experience once you have graduated.

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Of all the essays I will assign throughout the course, this is the most informal; you will not need to produce a rough draft of this essay assignment.

However, this is a composition course, so please reference the Lectures section of the course for information on essay writing and essay formatting. All of the essays you write for this course should be formatted according to MLA (Modern Language Association) guidelines. In addition to the resources provided in Lectures (Week One folder), the External Links section of the course contains recently updated information on MLA guidelines through the link titled, “MLA Formatting and Style Guide.” Please adhere to MLA guidelines whenever you are writing for this course.