Outside Factors and Effective Treatment Assignment

Final Project Milestone Two: Outside Factors and Effective Treatment Assignment

Describe the factors that influence the effective treatment applicable to your intervention plan. Consider the impact that culture, environment, and family have on the effectiveness of intervention and treatment strategies.
For additional details, please refer to the Final Project Guidelines and Grading Guide document and the Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric document.

Format: This assignment should follow these formatting guidelines: use of three sources, 2–3 pages, double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA format.

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PDF: Mental Health Care for Children and Adolescents in Foster Care: Review of Research Literature

Read this article to learn about mental-health care for children and adolescents in foster care. While this document is lengthy, it is a valuable resource, as it focuses specifically on interventions with children involved in the legal system. As you read this article, pay particular attention to pages 1–21, Table 1 (pages 31–33), and pages 58–76. In addition, pay particular attention to the specific diagnosis at the focus of your final project.