organizational cultural competency exploration


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Organizational Cultural Competency Exploration

Objective: Develop skills to implement effective cross-cultural approaches with service delivery.

Directions: You will assess an organization for cultural competence.Choose an organization you are familiar with and interact with often (such as your school, health care facility, church, place of employment, etc.).

  • Write an introduction to describe the organization, basic information about it, and how you are familiar with it. Describe the organization including information about the demographics of the area the organization is located in. 1-2 paragraphs.

2) Briefly describe your informal assessment (off the top of your head, reflection) of the cultural competency of the organization, including positive and negative features you have personally encountered. 1-2 paragraphs

3) Define specific rationale for improving cultural competency in this organization – a resource for factors to consider for improvement are the guiding principles & goals identified by HRSA. Focus on factors that make the most sense to you. 2 paragraphs

4) Identify an assessment strategy that considers some of the domains identified by Lewin that apply to your organization.Describe. 1-2 paragraphs

5) Complete the Checklist to Assess Service Delivery displayed below.In addition, you should find a second organizational cultural competency assessment to complete, as appropriate for the organization you are assessing.Many different assessments are available here:

You may also have found an assessment earlier in the course that may work.I do not need to approve the assessment, as you have enough exposure to these already in the course. You do NOT NEED to include the assessments/checklists in your final submission.Step #5 does not require writing any narrative. Simply complete the assessments.

6) Describe the assessments you used and summarize how this organization measures up according to the two assessments you completed.3 paragraphs.

7) Next, apply the six stages of cultural competence in the Cross model & explain your conclusion about what you have found. 2-3 paragraphs

8) Based on your assessments, describe the strengths and areas for growth. 2-3 paragraphs

9) Describe resources that would be helpful to this organization. One example is to select a cultural population who is a significant proportion of the consumers, clients, or residents, or whose needs are currently not being addressed, and complete a Cultural Care Etiquette guide (example noted below). 2-3 paragraphs

10) After careful consideration, determine four to five recommendations for your organization. Your suggestions may address changes in organizational mission, policies, procedures, staffing patterns; position descriptions and personnel performance measures; delivery of service and supports; outreach and dissemination approaches; composition of advisory boards and committees; professional development and in-service training activities; or telecommunication systems. 2-3 paragraphs

11) Write your findings in a coherent, clear paper.Label each section.You can single or double space your writing; it is up to you.

***Paragraphs should be 6-10 sentences in length.


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